


Eurozone tremors spread to Baltic States: Banks in Lithuania and Latvia collapse
Posted on November 23, 2011
Translation by Autumnson Blog
Customers stand in line to withdraw money from Krajbanka in Latvia on November 23, 2011
2011年11月23日客戶站立排隊從拉脫維亞的 Krajbanka銀行提錢

November 23, 2011 – LATVIA - Last week Lithuania’s fifth largest bank, Snoras, was nationalized as Lithuanian authorities shut down the bank after it observed irregularities in the bank’s operations.
2011年11月23日 - 拉脫維亞 - 上週立陶宛的第五大銀行Snoras被國有化,因為立陶宛當局在它觀察到銀行的業務違規後關閉該銀行。
This morning the Latvian authorities suspended the Latvijas (Latvian Savings Bank). Krajbanka is Latvia’s ninth largest bank. We think the systemic risk from these events should be relatively limited if handled properly by the authorities. That said, the collapse of especially Snoras is not good news for the Lithuanian economy as it creates uncertainty about the economic outlook.
這早晨拉脫維亞當局暫停了Latvijas(拉脫維亞儲蓄銀行), Krajbanka是拉脫維亞的第九大銀行。我們認為從這些事件的系統性風險,如果當局妥善處理應該是相對有限的。如此說來,尤其是Snoras的倒閉對立陶宛經濟並不是好消息,因為它對經濟前景創造了不確定性。
In our view it is especially important that the nationalization of Snoras is handled in such a way as to put minimal pressure on Lithuanian public finances that are in a precarious state as it is. A full nationalization of Snoras in the sense of taking over all liabilities would be unwarranted.
Yesterday Lithuanian Prime Minister Kubilis said that the problems at Snoras might involve “shady financial transactions” (according to the news agency Reuters) and the case was more “complicated” than initially thought. Lithuanian central bank governor Vasiliauskas at a news conference said that “we thought it was a flu, but now it seems to be a small cancer.” These comments obviously give some reason for concern.–FX Street
昨天立陶宛的總理安德留斯•庫比柳斯說,Snoras的問題可能是參與“金融黑幕交易”(據路透社)和案件是比當初想像更“複雜”。立陶宛央行行長Vasiliauskas在新聞發布會上說,“我們還以為它是感冒,但現在它似乎是小型癌症。”這些言論顯然給了一些關注的原因。- FX街
According to Snoras, the bank is Lithuania’s fourth-largest by capital size and ranks fifth in terms of assets. The exact causes behind Snoras’s financial difficulties have not been made clear. The idea of a bank-run causes shivers in Latvia.

In November 2008, it nationalized Parex, the Baltic state’s largest locally-owned bank, after depositors jittery about the country’s deepening economic crisis began withdrawing their cash. A month later, Latvia was forced to turn the EU and International Monetary Fund for a 7.5-billion-euro emergency loan package, which has been paid out in tranches amid one of the most draconian austerity drives in Europe. Latvia’s economy shrank by 18 percent in 2009, the deepest recession in the 27-nation EU, but has been recovering for a year. –MSN excerpts

contribution Luisport

2011-11-18 21:39 
俄新網RUSNEWS.CN里加11月18日電 《立陶宛信使報》網絡版17日援引該國總理安德留斯•庫比柳斯的話稱,立陶宛大型商業銀行Snoras被收歸國有,以保護銀行儲戶利益和整個銀行系統。 立陶宛政府16日將該國大型商業銀行Snoras收歸國有,以防其破產。 報紙援引總理的話稱:“將銀行收歸國有的目的在於盡快對其進行重組,注入資金和優質資產,這樣一來,就可用最少的花費來保護銀行存款和儲戶利益,乃至整個銀行系統。” Snoras銀行為俄羅斯富商弗拉基米爾·安東諾夫名下Convers Group的子公司,此外,集團旗下還擁有立陶宛Latvijas Krajbanka銀行、烏克蘭Coversbank銀行、Finasta金融公司及其他金融機構。 國際權威信評機構惠譽國際(Fitch)資料顯示,Snoras銀行是立陶宛銀行系統的重要組成部分,截至2010年底,該行擁有全國17%的存款。上述文章內容由俄新網提供

(英鏈) 瑞士信貸孤注一擲:預測歐元末日、銀行擠提


Celente : 現在提取你所有在銀行的錢
