


Man-Made Super-Flu Could Kill Half Humanity
2011年11月25日 下午 04:42:36
Translation by Atuumnson Blog

(Don't forget what elitist eugenicist Prince Philip said, "In the event that I am reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly virus, in order to contribute something to solve overpopulation." Know thy enemy. - Ed)
(不要忘了優生學精英菲利普親王說過什麼,“在我被輪廻的活動中,我希望回來時作為一種致命病毒,以圖對解決人口過剩貢獻一些東西”知道你的敵人 - 編者)
Avian influenza virus, TEM (NIBSC/Science Photo Library)

A virus with the potential to kill up to half the world’s population has been made in a lab. Now academics and bioterrorism experts are arguing over whether to publish the recipe, and whether the research should have been done in the first place.
­The virus is an H5N1 bird flu strain which was genetically altered to become much more contagious. It was created by Ron Fouchier of the Erasmus Medical Centre in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, who first presented his work to the public at an influenza conference in Malta in September.
該病毒是一種H5N1禽流感病毒,它被轉基因變得更傳染性。它是由荷蘭鹿特丹Erasmus醫學中心的羅恩 Fouchier創造,他在9月於馬耳他的流感會議第一個向公眾提出他的工作。
Fouchier said the strain circulates in animals, particularly birds, but rarely affects humans.
In the ten or so years since bird flu first emerged in Asia, fewer than 600 cases have been reported in humans. But the H5N1 strain is particularly vicious, killing roughly half of patients diagnosed with it. What stops it from becoming a major threat to public health is that it does not readily transmit from human to human. Or at least it didn’t – until now.
在十年或差不多的時間自禽流感第一次出現在亞洲以來,少於 600宗個案已在人類中報導。但H5N1禽流感病毒是特別惡性的,殺害大約一半確診患者。阻止它成為對公眾健康的重大威脅的東西是,它並不容易地人傳人,或至少它沒有 - 直到現在。
Researchers in Fouchier’s team used ferrets – test animals which closely mimic the human response to influenza – and transmitted H5N1 from one to another to make it more adaptable to new hosts. After 10 generations, the virus had mutated to become airborne, which means ferrets became ill from merely being near other diseased animals.
在Fouchier小組的研究人員使用雪貂 - 接近地模仿人類對流感反應的實驗動物 - 和從一隻到另一隻傳播 H5N1病毒,以使其更能適應新的宿主。在 10代後,該病毒已突變成為空中傳播,那意味著雪貂變得患病純是因為近著其它患病的動物。
A genetic study showed that the new, dangerous strain had only five mutations compared to the original one, and all of them were earlier seen in the natural environment – just not all at once. Fouchier’s strain is as contagious as the human seasonal flu, which kills tens of thousands of people each year, but is likely to cause many more fatalities if released.
一項遺傳研究表明,新的,危險的病毒毒株相比原來的只有五次突變,而它們全都在早些時候在自然環境中見到 - 只是全部非在一次。 Fouchier的毒株是有如人類季節性流感那般傳染性,可以每年殺死數以萬計的人,但如果釋放,有可能會造成更多的傷亡。
"I can't think of another pathogenic organism that is as scary as this one," Paul Keim, a microbial geneticist who has worked on anthrax for many years, told Science Insider. "I don't think anthrax is scary at all compared to this."
“我想不出另一種致病的有機體,是這般嚇人的,”對炭疽工作多年的微生物遺傳學家保羅凱姆告訴科學內幕。 “相比這,我完全不認為炭疽熱是可怕的。”
Now Keim, who chairs the US National Science Advisory Board for Biosecurity (NSABB), and other members of the body, have a very difficult decision to make. Fouchier wants his study to be published. So does virologist Yoshihiro Kawaoka, who led similar research in collaboration with the University of Wisconsin, Madison, and the University of Tokyo, and reached comparable results. And it is up to NSABB to give them the green light.

Many academics and biosecurity experts are naturally cautious about releasing information which could provide any bioterrorist with a ready recipe to hold the world to ransom. Some argue that such work should never have been done in the first place and call for international monitoring of potentially harmful research.

"It's just a bad idea for scientists to turn a lethal virus into a lethal and highly contagious virus. And it's a second bad idea for them to publish how they did it so others can copy it," believes Dr. Thomas Inglesby, a bioterrorism expert and director of the Center for Biosecurity of the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center.





