


Environmental lobbying group shuts down after climate bill stalls

9/8/10 5:15 PM EDT Updated: 9/9/10 10:55 AM EDT
Climate advocates are now folding one of their big umbrella lobbying groups. AP Photo
氣候鼓吹者現在折疊他們中之一的大雨傘遊說團體。 美聯社照片

Climate advocates stung by defeat in the Senate are folding one of their big umbrella lobbying groups.
Clean Energy Works, a coalition of 80 environmental, religious, veteran and labor groups, will phase out its operations this fall as Democratic congressional leaders abandon plans for a sweeping bill to cap greenhouse gas emissions.
清潔能源工程,一 80個環保、宗教、退伍軍人和勞工團體的聯盟,將逐步在今年秋天淡出運作,因為民主黨國會領導人放棄一個全面計劃的法案去限制溫室氣體排放。

At its peak, the coalition had 200 field organizers in key states and more than 45 staffers based out of a “war room” in downtown Washington. It is led by Paul Tewes, who ran President Barack Obama’s 2008 campaign operations in Iowa and other battleground states.
在它的高峰期,聯盟在關鍵州份有200個專業組織者和超過 45名員工,建基出自華盛頓市中心的“作戰室”。它是由保羅蒂斯領導,它營運奧巴馬總統2008年在愛荷華州和其它戰場州的競選活動。
Environmentalists close to the campaign say their donors are still committed to the effort, but decisions on the coalition’s future hinge on whether Democrats hold their House and Senate majorities and what agenda they want to pursue in 2011.
“It’s basically like hitting the pause button and trying to figure out how to redeploy,” said one source affiliated with Clean Energy Works.
Clean Energy Works spokesman David Di Martino said the group’s phaseout was long expected.
“It was originally designed to be a temporary thing,” he told POLITICO. “It makes sense at the end of Congress that there’d be some retooling and some sort of revised kind of approach to what we’ve been working on.”

Volunteers deployed to Clean Energy Works will start returning this fall to their original organizations.

“If you came over from LCV, you’re going back to LCV,” Di Martino said, referring to the League of Conservation Voters. “If you’re a consultant like me, you’ll hopefully go on to other like-minded campaigns.”

In the short term, leaders tied to the group say they will focus on fighting to defend the Environmental Protection Agency’s authority to regulate carbon dioxide from power plants and other industrial sources under the Clean Air Act.

Despite the ultimate failure to enact a climate bill, Di Martino and others tied to the coalition said they did their job well on the communications front.

“The commitment to collaboration secured impressive and tangible results: hundreds of disciplined message events across the country; thousands of earned media clips; a growing coalition including newly engaged small businesses; effective earned and paid media campaigns; expanded ground presence nationally; a national communications rapid response system; and volumes of detailed public opinion research,” Di Martino said.

“The take-home message is we worked together in an unprecedented way,” said Anna Aurilio, director of Environment America’s Washington office. “Whether it’s the Clean Energy Works, or some other entity, the environmental community will work together very closely to start holding polluters accountable.”

Senate Democrats scrapped floor plans on a big climate bill earlier this summer even as some advocates continued to hold out hope for action during a lame-duck session of Congress. On Tuesday, Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) knocked down that idea, too. “It’s a cinch we’re not going to get [a utility-only bill] done this year,” Reid said during an energy forum in Las Vegas.

Reid did leave room for a “piecemeal” energy bill, perhaps before the elections, that includes incentives for natural gas vehicles and the Home Star efficiency retrofit program.


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