Worldwide Eugenics Operation: Professor Openly Calls For the Sterilization of the “Unfit”
September 3, 2010 by Alex
Alex Thomas
The Intel Hub

In what can be described as an open endorsement of eugenics, British Professor David Marsland has called for the sterilization of the people the the state deems unfit. Eugenics, the driving force behind Hitlers Holocaust, has a firm footing in our society, whether it be through the use of vaccines, Planned Parenthood, or forced sterilization.
Marsland appeared on a BBC radio program in response to a request by a local council in the West Midlands who wanted to forcefully sterilize a 29 year old girl that they had deemed mentally unfit! This open admission/endorsement of eugenics is a slap in the face to government talking heads such as the Southern Poverty Law(Lie?)Center who have continually claimed that eugenics is a discredited pseudo science.
馬斯蘭出現在英國廣播公司電台節目,回應一西米德蘭地方議會的請求,他們想要強行令一個 29歲的女孩絕育,他們認為她精神上不適合!這公開的優生學承認 /贊同對政府說話首腦是一記耳光打在臉上,諸如南部貧困法(大話?)中心,就不斷聲稱優生是一種聲譽掃地的偽科學。
“Short of lifetime incarceration,” he said, the solution is “permanent sterilization.”
Not only did the professor called for the permanent sterilization of other humans, he actually laughed off the term, “Human Rights,” labeling the word as grossly overused. That’s right, a leading professor in Britain believes that rights are overused and should be looked past in situations that involve those who have been deemed unfit.
He dismissed possible objections based on human rights, saying that “Rights is a grossly overused and fundamentally incoherent concept … Neither philosophers nor political activists can agree on the nature of human rights or on their extent.” Live Site News
Population reduction, documented on such monuments as the Georgia Guidestones, is the driving force behind eugenics. The parasitic elite believe we are cattle, cattle that can be easily disposed of. In their, “perfect” world, 550 million would live on earth in a sort of totalitarian class system with the elite on one side and the working class on the other.
In his closing comments, Professor Marsland showed his disdain for the ever increasing human population:
Marsland’s closing comments, Davis said, were indicative of his anti-human perspective. In those remarks he said that nothing in the discussion had changed his mind, and that the reduction of births would be desirable since “there are too many people anyway.”
This man falls into the same category of thinking as eugenicists Bill Gates and Ted Turner. Bill Gates, the man that called for population reduction through the use of “better” vaccines and Ted Turner,a tyrant whose beliefs line up directly with the controversial United Nations Plan, Agenda 21 have both been praised by the corporate media puppets as philanthropists who simply want to help the world.
The use of vaccines is another driving force behind this worldwide eugenics operation. As i documented here, the corporate news and the World Health Organization are demanding that almost ALL people take toxic vaccines. Vaccines that have been banned in multiple countries due to their toxic and sometimes fatal repercussions.
Despite the obvious objections of most human rights groups, these eugenic/depopulation minded plans, through the use of the media and fraudulent scientific studies, are being pushed by liberals and conservatives a like.