


'Doomsday Plane' Would Save President and Joint Chiefs in Apocalypse Scenario
June 7, 2011
Translation by Autumnson Blog

'Doomsday' Plane Ready for Nuclear Attack

In the event of nuclear war, a powerful meteor strike or even a zombie apocalypse, the thoroughly protected doomsday plane is ready to keep the president, secretary of defense, Joint Chiefs of Staff and other key personnel in the air and out of danger. It may not deflect a Twitter photo scandal, but it can outrun a nuclear explosion and stay in the air for days without refueling.
在核戰、強大的流星襲擊或甚至是喪屍天啟的事件,有充分保護的末日飛機在準備保持總統、國防部長、參謀長和其他關鍵人物在空中並脫離危險。它可能不轉向為一宗 Twitter照片醜聞,但它可逃脫核爆和不用加油在空中停留數天。
The flight team for the E-4B, its military codename, sleeps nearby and is ready to scramble in five minutes. It was mobilized in the tumultuous hours after planes crashed into the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and southern Pennsylvania on 9/11.
"If the command centers that are on the ground in the United States have a failure of some sort, or attack, we immediately get airborne. We're on alert 24/7, 365," Captain W. Scott "Easy" Ryder, Commander, NAOC, told ABC News' Diane Sawyer as she traveled to Afghanistan with Secretary of Defense Robert Gates on the apocalypse-proof plane. "Constantly there's at least one alert airplane waiting to get airborne."
“如果在美國地面上的司令部有某種形式的失靈、或攻擊,我們立刻上到空中。我們一年365日每週7天一日24小時都在警誡,“NAOC指揮官“易“萊德瓦特斯科特隊長告訴美國廣播公司新聞'的黛安索耶,當她與國防部長羅伯特蓋茨乘坐防天啟飛機前往阿富汗。 “不斷地會有至少一架警報飛機等待升空。“

