

中國政府從全面神志清醒的人摘取器官賺10億美元 - Chris Kitze和Dave Hodges

中國政府從全面神志清醒的人摘取器官賺10億美元 - Chris Kitze和Dave Hodges
Chinese Gov. makes $1 Billion Extracting Organs From Fully Conscious People-Chris Kitze and Dave Hodges
July 30th, 2018
I have been privy to agreements between the United Nations and China with regard to the occupation of the United States. In short, the despicable Chinese government has been promised control and the right to harvest American mineral rights in our country in exchange for servicing much of the debt of the United States in a post sovereign America.
This arrangement should absolutely frighten every American, because under Chinese military imposed martial law, the Chinese will be harvesting much more that mineral resources. They will undoubtedly do to Americans what the Chinese have been doing to the Falun Gong. Namely, arresting them on trumped up charges. This is followed by the imposition of lengthy prison sentences so these poor people will not be missed when the Chinese government extracts their organs while the victims are fully conscious.
I recently interviewed Chris Kitze (Before its News) who has a great deal of experience in both the nature and practice of Falun Gong and the practice harvesting human organs from healthy members of this group.
Although Mr. Kitze is very professional and expresses himself in a very civilized manner, there is no sugar coating the abhorrent nature of the practice of illegally and inhumanely extracting organs from fully conscious members of the Falun Gong. Therefore, listener discretion is advised. Additionally, after listening to this riveting interview, I predict most will be sufficiently be so outraged that they will join me in calling for a suspension of diplomatic relations with China. The leadership of the Communist Chinese Party consists of barbaric animals not fit to be called human beings.

Chris Kitze

Why Doesn’t the International Community Challenge China On This Practice?

