

梵蒂岡的秘密: 手稿揭示人類有超自然力量

梵蒂岡的秘密: 手稿揭示人類有超自然力量
Secrets of the Vatican: Manuscript Reveals that Human Beings Have Supernatural Powers


Throughout the universe, there is a matrix of energy that connects everything that exists.vThis matrix is also present in our body and our minds and souls. It is a divine matrix. In 1944, Max Planck, the father of the quantum physic, demonstrated that the entire universe and existence is only energy and that the matter is just an illusion.
Unknowingly, Max Planck have demonstrated the existence of the divine matrix that is pure energy. Researcher Gregg Braden, which has dedicated more than 20 years to study this matrix, discovered that we live in a vibrational universe, where everything vibrates and everything is connected through these vibrations.
We can not find this matrix even at the microscopical physical level, because it is not a material matrix, but one made entirely from energy strings and branes that vibrate at different frequencies. Braden, also discovered that our thoughts and feelings have their own vibrations. Love has the highest and purest vibration of all and this vibration can heal any illness.
A few scientific experiments have revealed that our DNA changes in relation to the vibration we generate. Hate, greediness and other negative feelings result in the damage of the DNA and in illness. We have the power to heal or to harm.
The quantum scientists have also revealed that focused intention can generate reality, the reality we want to create for us because the focused intention will rearrange the energy matrix to our own will. Of course, this requires specific techniques of meditation and prayer. Jesus has spoken about this but hi didn’t give us precise instructions on how to change our own reality, as we wish.
The Catholic church has banned this knowledge for hundreds of years, but in 1946, in the caves of Qumran, a peasant discovered tens of scrolls, and among them The Book Of Isaia, which teaches us the prayers and the rituals to change our own reality.
The Book of Isaia, which is a text written more than 2000 years ago, describes what the quantum theories have only discovered only 100 years ago, that there are many realities and many worlds that can be created through focused intention.
This is a very important book for humanity today because humanity is asleep and at the mercy of different spiritual forces that manipulate us to make whatever they want.
In The Book of Isaia is a prayer that will allow us to wake up and to get rid of the chains of ignorance that the governments and the churches have enslaved us.
Braden says that we have to start to practice this prayer and to accept that we create our own reality.
According to Braden, the key to unlock the power of that prayer is to already feel that the future we imagine is real.
From another source, I have learned that the prayer must be practiced for at least 40 days in a row and all this time you must not be disturbed by anyone and must maintain in your mind and heart your future.
This prayer must be practiced with a calm but firm voice because the spoken words are the most powerful form of energy that can shape reality.


梵蒂岡的秘密: 手稿揭示人類有超自然力量
Secrets of Vatican: Manuscript Reveals that Human Beings have Supernatural Powers

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