



Now 中共黨員在美國攻擊民主人士 受害者女兒社交媒體公開求助 華人民主人士在美國塞班島聲援香港反送中運動,中共當地領事館黨員圍攻民主人士…
In Saipan, U.S.,CCP attacked Chinese who supported Hong Kong protests.


中共統戰恐怖,滲透到世界每個角落。花費資金必是天文數字… 難怪國内貧困人口無數不肯救濟,原來錢花在「集中力量辦大事」上。 錢能解決の問題,對中共來説不是問題。 無數人願意為中共效力… 世間有幾人能抵抗金錢魅力? 情懷不敵金錢似乎是常理…





12月22号的和平游行,先是遭到谩骂,后又遭到多名年轻中国人的挑衅,他们并企图抢夺为我们录像的女孩的手机。当我们经过I love saipan商店往前继续前进的时候,从东方海鲜馆冲出一个中国男人,用手指着我们辱骂并挑衅我们,我们与他发生对峙,突然,他攻击了李民的咽喉部位,李民被迫自卫,随后又冲出一个中国女人和两个中国男人,他们参与了对我们的攻击。我们队伍的其他人进行劝阻,结果同样遭受到他们的攻击,李民沿着路一直往后退,他们一直持续辱骂攻击李民的头部,还进行了威胁。警察来了之后,在没有搞清楚谁是发起攻击者和谁是受害者的情况下,就简单、粗暴地根据攻击者(红衣中国男子攻击者)的错误指控并且在没有询问我们的情况下把我们逮捕,我们只是一些站出来为公义发声,为香港无数被中共屠杀的学生和青年人发声的民主人士,在美国通过了香港人权法案,支持香港成为美国国策的情况下,塞班警察本应该对我们的游行活动提供保护,但我们却遭到了来自警方的不公平对待。把我们受害者4个人抓进了监狱,我们的两位受伤者要求警方把我们送医院救治,均遭拒绝!投入监狱后狱警发现我们受伤严重才把我们送医院救治。实施攻击者却没有一人被逮捕。在没有提审、询问我们情况下,塞班警方就擅自把我们定性为“扰乱和平”的罪犯公布在官方脸书:https://www.facebook.com/1507728142652568/posts/2712927755465928?d=n&sfns=mo 及CNMI Media Partners 上面,并被中共的大外宣媒体“塞班侨报”引用并添油加醋地污蔑我们,致使我们及我们的家人、孩子身心及我们的尊严、名誉深受伤害!挑起事端者首先对我们实施攻击(我们有录像为证)却被警方定性为“受害人”,谁能想象,我们这些在中国饱受中共迫害的基督徒、民运人士,居然在美国的土地上继续遭受政治迫害!塞班到底是美国的塞班,还是中共的塞班?!


Pro-Hong Kong and democratic activists are being persecuted in Saipan, USA! The judicial corruption in Saipan is atrocious because of the deep infiltration of the Chinese Communist Party! Democratic activists were put into jail unfairly, facing life threatening danger to be extradited!

We are members of the Saipan Support Hong Kong Union. We have been supporting Hong Kong in multiple ways since the anti-extradition bill movements in Hong Kong. Since then, we have faced multiple assaults from people who are pro-Chinese Communist Party. We were attacked by a Chinese woman on September 1, 2019 during our parade to protest. She damaged our protesting signs when she threw stones at us. We called the police right away and our case was recorded by the police. The police have seen the attacker. However, the case has not been processed even until today! We were also railed and surrounded by pro-Chinese Communist Party people during our peaceful march on September 8, 2019.

During our peaceful protest on December 22, 2019, we were railed and provoked by multiple young Chinese. They were trying to snatch the phone a young girl was using to video record the protest. When we passed “I love saipan” store and moved forward, a Chinese man rushed out from Dongfang Seafood Restaurant, scolded and provoked us with his fingers, and we confronted him. Suddenly, he attacked Li Min's throat. Li Min was forced to defend himself, and then rushed out of a Chinese woman and two Chinese men. They participated in the attack on us. The others in our team discouraged them, but they were also attacked by them. Li Min stepped back along the road. They continued to abuse, attack Li Min’s head, and threaten. After the police arrived, not asking who the attacker and who the victim was, they arrested us directly based on the wrongful allegations of the attacker (Chinese man in red) and without asking any information from us. We were only standing up and speaking for justice, for the numerous students and young people killed by the Chinese Communist Party in Hong Kong. With the passage of the Hong Kong Democracy & Human Rights Act in the United States, the Saipan police should have protected our marches and protests. Instead we have been treated unfairly by the police. Four of our victims were put into jail while none of the attackers were arrested. We requested hospital treatment for two of our wounded victims but were denied by the police!
Only until the police realized that we have been severely wounded, then did they send us to hospital for treatment. None of the attackers were arrested. Without bringing to trail or questioning, Saipan police arbitrarily determined that we were guilty and were “disturbing the peace” announced for press release on their official Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/1507728142652568/posts/2712927755465928?d=n&sfns=mo and CNMI Media Partners.

The Chinese Communist Party’s newspaper “Saipan Chinese Newspaper” quoted the police and slandered us with added interpretations. These has deeply damaged our family members and our dignity and reputation! We have video proof that it was the two Chinese who attacked us first, yet they were treated as “victims” by the police. Who would have thought that as Christians and human right activists persecuted by the Chinese Communist Party in China, we would continue facing political persecution on American soil? We want to ask: does Saipan belong to America or the Chinese Communist Party?!

We are in peril situation. Our every march and protest are being watched and videotaped by the Chinese Communist spies. Our personal where-beings are also often followed. We hereby call on the community to look out for us, support us, and provide legal aid to us. We call on the FBI and government officials to investigate in this situation. Thank you!

