15- 20 ft high!
This was a small island off Tasmania Australia where men were worked starved and flogged by cat of 9 tail whips to death a very sad place of human suffering the darkness was heavy in the air ...the convicts sentenced here were called "the men that God forgot"....very sad horrible place now is just a few cell ruined these men worked every day if the year Dawn til dusk it's unclear how many were killed here not many survived the 100 lashes they received and if they did they were salted up on gaping wounds and forced to work in if they couldn't they got the same again or we're chained to a small Rock island off this island fighting to keep thier heads above the tide.....so this ghost /demon given it's size adds weight to demons being disembodied nephillim spirits ....got many other pics of Sarah island and there's things showing up in every pic ...