Obama, Gates, and Gore come out against Prop 23
Grist: Barack Obama, Bill Gates and Al Gore have come out fighting against Prop 23, the ballot to rollback California's global warming law
Todd Woody for Grist
Friday 22 October 2010 10.36 BST
Translation by Autumnson Blog

比爾和梅林達蓋茨基金會的共同創始人和聯席主席比爾蓋茨,已出來在'不支持提案 23'運動者的邊上。 影:芯片Somodevilla / Getty圖像
As a new poll showed that nearly half of likely California voters now oppose Proposition 23, the ballot measure that would suspend the state's global warming law, heavy hitters from President Obama to Al Gore and Bill Gates came out against the initiative on Wednesday.
With the president on a West Coast campaign swing, a White House spokesperson told the Los Angeles Times that Obama "is opposed to Prop. 23," calling the ballot measure backed by two Texas oil companies "a veiled attempt by corporate polluters to block progress towards a clean energy economy."
隨著總統競選在一西海岸運動擺動上,一白宮發言人告訴洛杉磯時報,奧巴馬“反對 提案23”,稱那投票措施由兩間德州石油公司支持,“一個幌子"是由企業污染者企圖去阻止邁向清潔能源經濟的進展。“
"If passed, the initiative would stifle innovation, investment in R&D and cost jobs for the state of California," the Obama spokesperson said.
Gore, meanwhile, issued a statement saying, "The fight for America's clean energy future is taking place right now, and it's come to California. This is a fight we simply cannot afford to lose."
Gates, the Microsoft founder turned philanthropist, weighed in with a $700,000 contribution to the No on 23 campaign on Tuesday. The Nature Conservancy donated $500,000, bringing this week's No on 23 fundraising total, so far, to more than $1.3 million. The Yes campaign, which is being underwritten by the petrochemical industry, has taken in $7,000.
微軟創始人蓋茨變成慈善家,週二用70萬美元的貢獻加入不支持提案 23運動。大自然保護協會捐贈 50萬美元,使本週不支持提案 23運動的籌款總額 到目前為止,超過 130萬美元。那支持運動的,目前正被石化行業包銷,已取得7,000美元。
As of Wednesday, the No forces had raised a total of more than $28 million, compared to the Yes campaign's $9.1 million, according to California Secretary of State records.
Prop 23 would suspend California's global warming law, known as AB 32, until the state unemployment rate drops to 5.5 percent for four consecutive quarters, which has happened only three times in the past four decades.
The No forces' fundraising lead and statewide television commercials appear to be paying off in the polls. A September survey by the Public Policy of California found voters in the state evenly split over Prop 23. PPIC's new survey finds that 48 percent of likely voters now oppose Prop 23, while 37 percent support the measure. Don't pop that champagne yet, though. Fifteen percent of California voters are still undecided.