GM Flax Contamination Now Detected in 35 Countries
Friday, October 15, 2010
by: David Gutierrez, staff writer
translation by Autumnson Blog
(NaturalNews) Since the Flax Council of Canada (FCC) first announced that genetically modified (GM) flaxseed not approved for human consumption had been detected in Europe, reports of such contamination have surfaced in a total of 35 countries.
The variety of flax detected is known as FP967 or Triffid, and was never approved for commercial use. In 2001, the Canadian government banned its use. Researchers are still unsure how commercial flax stocks around the world have become so widely contaminated by Triffid's genetic material.
那檢測的亞麻品種被稱為 FP967或Triffid,和從未被批准作商業用途。 在2001年,加拿大政府禁止它的使用,研究人員仍然不確定,世界各地商業亞麻存倉如何已變得如此廣泛地被Triffid的遺傳物質污染。
What is known is that by 2001, 40 different seed producers were growing 20,000 bushels of Triffid seed, anticipating future demand. When the GM crop was banned, the stocks were supposed to be destroyed. Some investigators suspect that instead, much of it was put into production anyway. Others have pointed the finger at the sample seed packets distributed to farmers in 2000. Although such packets were not intended for commercial use, some farmers may nevertheless have planted and eventually commercialized them. Alternatively, genetic contamination of non-GM flax could have taken place during Triffid's testing phases, before it was banned and without widescale commercial planting.
到2001年所知的是,40個不同的種子生產商在生長20,000蒲式耳的Triffid種子,期待著未來的需求。當轉基因作物被禁後,存倉應被銷毀。一些調查者懷疑,代之,它們很多無論如何被放入去投產。其他人的手指指向在2000年時,那些被分發到農民的種子包樣本 。雖然這些包都不是用於商業用途,但一些農民可能有種植,和最終商業化它們。另外,非轉基因亞麻的基因污染可能已在Triffid的測試階段發生,在它被禁和沒有大比例的商業種植之前。
The FCC has been criticized for covering up its knowledge of the genetic contamination for months until its announcement in September 2009 that Triffid genetic material had been detected in Canadian flax being imported into the European Union. The FCC admits that it first learned of the contamination in July, but an anonymous industry source informed "The Organic & Non-GMO Report" that the FCC actually learned of the contamination in March.
In January 2010, the FCC produced more controversy by failing to list Genetic ID, the laboratory that had detected the contamination, on its list of labs approved to test flax for Triffid genetic material. One industry source called this exclusion "an obvious attempt to shoot the messenger."
Genetic ID is endorsed by the Canadian Grain Commission as equipped to test flaxseed samples.
Sources for this story include: http://www.organicconsumers.org/articles/article_20791.cfm