Mysterious Light Pulse From Planet Gliese 581g - Alien Signal?
2010 10 13
By Denise Chow
translation by Autumnson Blog
The recent discovery of Gliese 581g, an alien planet in the habitable zone of another star, has been an exciting development for scientists probing the galaxy for signs of extraterrestrial life. At least one claim of a possible signal from the planet has already surfaced – and been met with harsh skepticism among the science community.
最近發現的葛利斯581g,是在另一顆恆星的可居住區的一顆外星人行星,對於探測銀河系外星生命跡象的科學家,它已是一令人興奮的發展。至少有一人聲稱有一可能來自那星球的信號已經浮面 - 並已達到科學界之間的嚴厲懷疑要求。
Following the Sept. 29 announcement of the discovery of Gliese 581g, astronomer Ragbir Bhathal, a scientist at the University of Western Sydney, claimed to have detected a suspicious pulse of light nearly two years ago, that came from the same area of the galaxy as the location of Gliese 581g, according to the U.K.'s Daily Mail online.
繼 9月29日公佈葛利斯581g 的發現,一位在西悉尼大學的天文學家 Ragbir Bhathal, 聲稱大約兩年前已探測到一可疑的光脈衝,它來自星系的同一地區,正是葛利斯581g 的位置,根據英國的每日郵報在線。
Bhathal is a member of the Australian chapter of SETI, a non-profit scientific organization that is dedicated to research, exploration and education in the field of astrobiology.
"Whenever there's a clear night, I go up to the observatory and do a run on some of the celestial objects," Bhathal told the Daily Mail. "Looking at one of these objects, we found this signal. We found this very sharp signal, sort of a laser lookalike thing which is the sort of thing we're looking for – a very sharp spike. And that is what we found."
“每當有一晴朗的夜晚,我走上天文台和巡廻一些天體,”Bhathal告訴每日郵報。 “看著這些物體中的一個,我們發現這信號,我們發現這非常尖銳的信號,某種看似激光的東西就是那種我們正在尋找的東西 - 一非常尖銳的峰值,和那就是我們所發現的。 “
Still, there are some scientists who are skeptical of Bhathal's assertion.
"I know the scientist, and when he first announced it, I asked him for the details, and he wouldn't send them to me," astronomer and SETI pioneer Frank Drake told "I'm very suspicious."
“我識那科學家,和當他第一次宣布它,我問他有關細節,和他不會發送們給我”,天文學家和SETI先驅弗蘭克德雷克告訴, “我非常懷疑。”
Drake is credited with conducting the first search for signals from extraterrestrial intelligences 50 years ago as part of what was then called Project Ozma. He coined the famed Drake Equation to calculate the number (N) of alien civilizations with whom we might be able to communicate
Further study would perhaps confirm or deny the supposed observation, but Drake thinks that the claim is likely a dubious one.
Strange signal, or phantom?
Bhathal claimed to have detected the puzzling signal in Dec. 2008, almost two years before researchers announced the Gliese 581g finding, and long before it was announced that habitable planets were found orbiting the star Gliese 581 itself.
"I'm not aware of the location that was claimed for the source of that light, and [Bhathal] refused to tell me where it came from," Drake said. "I think it's very unlikely that it came from the direction of Gliese 581."
Gliese 581g is one of two new worlds that was discovered orbiting the red dwarf star Gliese 581, which is located about 20.5 light-years from Earth. In total, there is a family of six planets that has been found around Gliese 581.[Tour the six Gliese 581 planets.]
Steven Vogt, a professor of astronomy and astrophysics at the University of California, and his colleague Paul Butler of the Carnegie Institution of Washington announced the Gliese 581g finding in a press conference held by the National Science Foundation on Sept. 29.

About Gliese 581g
While there are six planets known to orbit around the parent star, Gliese 581g is the only one in the so-called habitable zone – a region where liquid water can exist. Astronomers have long-thought that the presence of liquid water, which accompanies life on Earth, could be a major ingredient for life on other worlds.
Observations have shown that Gliese 581g is between three and four times the mass of Earth. While it is larger than our planet, it is still classified as a nearly Earth-sized world. Its radius is between 1.3 and two times the size of Earth, scientists have said.
The planet has not been officially named yet (nor have any other worlds in the Gliese 581 system). But Vogt has given it the nickname "Zarmina's World," in honor of his wife.
SETI Picks Up Regular Laser Pulse Emanating From Space
San Francisco, 2:39 AM
Thu Oct 14

Astrophysicist Ragbir Bhathal works with SETI to scan the skies for possible communications from extraterrestrial intelligences. Unlike most SETI facilities, which look for radio signals, Bhathal's looks for laser pulses. And now he's found one.
Several years ago Bhathal, a researcher at the University of Western Sydney, suggested that a likely form of extraterrestrial communication would be laser bursts. He set up a facility at his lab which sweeps a nearby volume of space, within about 100 light years, for laser bursts that come in a regular pattern. Any kind of communication would likely be distinguished from background noise by coming in repeated or non-random patterns.
And a few months ago, Bhathal found the kind of regular pattern he's been looking for. He's been analyzing it and seeking a repeat pattern in the same area of space ever since. Though he's cautious about claiming it as a genuine extraterrestrial signal, his discovery has been making local news. Read all about it in The Australian.
Image copyright Lynette Cook.

Gliese 581g小資料
■圍繞Gliese 581恒星軌道的6顆行星之一
■圍繞Gliese 581紅矮星運行,後者較太陽冷50倍,體積只有1/3太陽大
美太空船傳回怪碼 惹被外星人劫持猜測
他們來緊 ......做好準備! 巨大UFO飛船們朝向地球