Europe's Identity Crisis Fuels Rising Anti-Muslim Sentiment
Updated: 1 day 3 hours ago
Translation by Autumnson Blog
LONDON (Oct. 16) -- Since the end of World War II Germany has prided itself on being a beacon of tolerance, removed from the petty hatreds that once tore Europe apart. But according to a national survey released this week, a new form of ugly xenophobia -- this time focused on Muslims, who make up around 5.5 percent of the population -- is gaining mass acceptance. More than 55 percent of those polled by researchers from the University of Leipzig declared that Arabs weren't pleasant people -- up from 44 percent in 2003 -- and 58 percent said the practice of Islam should be "considerably restricted."
(倫敦 10月16日) - 自世二戰結束德國已自鳴得意去做一盞寬容的明燈,從一度撕裂歐洲的小仇恨被移除。但據一項本周公佈的全國性調查,一種新形式的仇外心理醜陋 -這次集中在做出人口 5.5%左右的穆斯林 - 在獲得大眾的接受。超過55%的那些被萊比錫大學的研究人員所調查的,宣稱阿拉伯人不是愉快的人 - 從 2003年的44% - 和58%說伊斯蘭教的做法應該被“大量限制。”
Islamophobia isn't only on the rise in Germany. A powerful and populist strain of anti-Muslim sentiment is now taking hold across Europe -- boosting support for far-right groups, and putting mainstream politicians on the defensive.
仇視伊斯蘭教不僅在德國上升,一強大和民粹主義的反穆斯林情緒的張力,現正在全歐洲根深蒂固 - 促進極右團體的支持,並把主流政治家放在防守上。
Of course, parties with an anti-race bent aren't anything new in Europe. The anti-Semitic, anti-immigrant National Front has been a force in France for decades, and in 2000, Austria's Nazi-sympathizing Freedom Party temporarily became part of the coalition government. What is new is that the anti-outsider groups now attracting high-levels of support don't define their foes by skin color or geographic origin, but by religion.

The Sweden Democrats party -- which started out as a neo-Nazi movement -- last month entered parliament for the first time, winning 5.7 percent of the vote on the back of campaign ads that featured burqa-clad Muslim women knocking aside white Swedish pensioners and grabbing their state benefits. In the Netherlands, the anti-Islam Freedom Party of Geert Wilders -- who believes the "fascist" Koran should be banned, along with immigration from Muslim countries -- gained a record 24 seats in the June elections. And in Britain, thousands of hooligans from the English Defence League -- which claims to be against extremist Islam, and boasts that its membership includes Jews and Sikhs -- regularly stages marches in largely Muslim urban areas, shouting anti-Islamic slogans and intimidating local residents.
調查:德極右情緒有所抬頭 13%支持"鐵腕"領袖