PARA: Untersberg - The Mystery Mountain
Topic started on 24-8-2008 @ 04:43 PM
by Skyfloating
Translation by Autumnson Blog

在1987年8月,三人進入德國南部的山區去探索幾個洞穴。他們沒有回報,無論是警察或登山者發現他們的任何踪跡 - 除了他們的車泊在一附近的停車處。 3個月後,他們致電他們的親戚從紅海的一艘船,它是前往埃及的亞歷山大港途中。他們聲稱沒有知識他們如何已去到那裡、已過去的 3個月或在那座山內發生什麼。在亞歷山大港,他們去到領事館和回家。
Welcome to a tale of Time Portals, Elves, Fairies, Gnomes, Extraterrestrials, Subterranean Civilizations, The Holy Grail and Paranormal Phenomena surrounding a Mountain bordering Germany and Austria called "Untersberg".
Ive personally visited this mountain twice on research expeditions and will relay my own experiences in later posts.
1. Hitlers Obsession
Disclaimer: This section does not constitute an endorsement of Hitler but examines an obsession he had
On a 1992 visit to Austria, the Dalai Lama specifically asked to see the Mountain, calling it “a sleeping Dragon” and “The Heartchakra of the World” (chakra refers to an energy center in eastern terminology).
But this was not the first world-famous person to know of the mountain. Hitler was obsessed with it, hoping to gain access to supernatural beings and power to turn a war that he was loosing.



A recent expedition (August 2008) into the gigantic cave-system under the mountain revealed that it goes down so far, that its lowest point had not been reached yet. The cave explorers had to return from their expedition without knowing how far down it goes. According to a german newspaper report they had gone down 1056 meters before being forced to return at an abyss-like precipce. This had been accomplished by being able to pass an extremely narrow passageway that had been previously unpassable. They also discovered more than 800 new passageways and, believe it or not, a lake in 930 meters depth. They crossed it with a rubber boat. One view from the inside:
一次最近的探險(2008年8月)進入山下的巨大洞穴系統揭露,到目前為止它會走下,它的最低點還沒有達到,洞穴探險家要從他們的探險返回而不知道去了多遠。據一份德國報紙報導,在一個斷崖,絕壁般的無底深淵被迫返回之前,他們走低至一0五六米。這已能完成是要能夠通過一條十分狹窄的通道,之前是不能通過的。他們亦發現超過 800條新通道,和相信與否,一座湖在930米的深度。他們以橡皮船橫過它,一從裡面見到的景觀:

2. Missing People
Similar to the Bermuda Triangle, hundreds of people have gone missing in the area, either
a) Never to be seen again or
b) Show up years later or in another place on earth, apparently having made a jump in time, space or both.
Missing People have been so frequent that German and Austrian newspapers regularly carry stories on the Mystery. This one shows a police helicopter in search of a couple that recently (2008) went missing (and also addressing the time-leap theory):

Ancient Legends report of "little people" coming out of the mountain and "little people" flying aircraft from the mountain up into the sky. There are also many hundreds of ancient legends surrounding this mountain that involve the phenomenon of "missing time", as known in modern UFO-Abduction Reports.
他們不想讓你知道的事物:空心地球; 平面地球