

'新的大腸桿菌ST131 引起疫情'

'New E. coli strain causes epidemic'
Fri Jun 3, 2011 12:26AM
Translation by Autumnson Blog
The new E. coli strain is called ST131.
新的大腸桿菌菌株被稱為 ST131。

Scientists at Chinese lab BGI have found that a new highly infectious strain of the bacteria carrying several antibiotic resistant genes has caused the E. coli epidemic in Europe.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has said on Thursday that scientists are still unaware of the source of the new bacteria, and preliminary tests have shown that the bacteria is a mutant form of two different types of E. coli, AFP reports.
The new strain is called ST131 which caused many of the E. coli infections resistant to antibiotics in the fluoroquinolone and cephalosporin classes, scientists have said.
新菌株被稱為 ST131,它造成許多大腸桿菌感染對抗生素抗藥性,在喹諾酮類和頭孢菌素類別,科學家們說。
The killer bacteria epidemic has left over 2,000 sickened across Europe in addition to 18 people who have already died of the disease.

The bacteria can lead to bloody diarrhea and kidney failure. Most of the victims have been young women, but scientists say the bacteria mostly affect young children and older adults.

The WHO also said that the new strain has never been seen in any outbreak before. It has contaminated raw vegetables, prompting several countries to ban imports from northern Europe.

Russia has already banned vegetable imports from Germany and Spain.

The new outbreak of the deadly disease has cast doubt on the current life spot checks at the internal border controls in Europe.

Germany initially claimed the Spanish cucumbers as a possible source, but the tests have refuted the claim.

Madrid has threatened to file a law suit against the German city of Hamburg for making the allegation.

Spanish Deputy Prime Minister Alfredo Perez Rubalcaba said, "This is crisis that seriously hurts some businesses in different sectors, and turns them to dust. Spanish products are absolutely clean and the proof is that there is no case in Spain of that bacterium."

The E. coli bacteria are spreading rapidly. Denmark, France, the Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and UK have confirmed suspected cases.

American health officials say at least three people in the US are suspected of having fallen ill from the E. coli bacteria after traveling to Germany.



研究:歐洲大腸桿菌 超毒新菌株
(法新社)2011年6月3日 星期五 09:05
(法新社巴黎 2日電) 實驗室今天指出,DNA顯示,德國 致命大腸桿菌是新菌株,基因組成能解釋毒性為何如此劇烈。



華大基因從深圳 發佈聲明稿指出,正與德國北部的漢堡 -艾本德大學醫院(University Clinic Hamburg-Eppendorf)合作,這所大學位處18死、超過2000人感染的疫情中心點。




吃菜吃死人 德國急了;中國要求警惕大腸桿菌疫情傳入




大腸桿菌和輻射- 驚奇!驚奇!
