Here Come the Global Police Force
Thursday, 23 September 2010 10:17

'The United Nations and the International Criminal Police Organization, better known as Interpol, have been meeting to discuss the formation of a worldwide police operation that would have access to a global database of DNA, biometric and fingerprint records.
At the centre of these discussions is Ronald K Noble, an advisor to the Chinese government on policing major events and the man who agreed to the attacks on the Branch Davidian compound in Waco, Texas, in 1993 when 56 men and women and 20 children were burned to death or shot by the federal government of Bill Clinton.
Noble was Undersecretary for Enforcement at the United States Department of the Treasury and after the horrors at Waco he worked to suppress the truth of what really happened. Noble was selected to become secretary general of Interpol by Clinton’s attorney general, Janet Reno, another architect of the Waco mass murder.'
- David Icke, Human Race Get Off Your Knees, page 538.
Teamwork urged to head off radicalization
Published: Sept. 21, 2010 at 7:31 PM
PARIS, Sept. 21 (UPI) -- International police networks are needed to thwart the radicalization of the world's youth, the head of Interpol said Tuesday in Paris.
新華社巴黎9月21日(合眾國際社) - 國際警察網絡是有需要的,以挫敗世界青年人的激進化,國際刑警組織主管週二在巴黎表示。
Interpol Secretary-General Ronald K. Noble told those attending the Association of Chiefs of Police summit the Internet has made it easier for terrorist organizations to radicalize youth. And the worldwide nature of the Internet, he said, requires a global law enforcement response.
"The advent of the Internet has made the process of radicalization easier to achieve and the process of combating it that much more difficult, because many of the behaviors associated with it are not in and of themselves criminal," Noble said in an Interpol release.
"The threat is global; it is virtual; and it is on our doorsteps."
Noble said the number of extremist Web sites has skyrocketed from 12 in 1998 to 4,500 just eight years later.
羅說極端主義者網站的數字已猛增,從 1998年的12個至剛八年後的4,500個。
He said Interpol's ability to link police worldwide through its communications system, global databases and network of bureaus helps front-line officers get the information they need to establish the links between terrorism and other criminal activities.
"It is only through Interpol's network that this type of information can be disseminated quickly throughout the world in order for law enforcement to effectively counter the virtual base of operations which extremists exploit on the Internet," Noble said.