

深層政府不惜任何代價想卡瓦諾得到確認? 為什麼?

Kavanaugh Is a Swamp Creature

深層政府不惜任何代價想卡瓦諾得到確認? 為什麼?
The Deep State Wants Kavanaugh Confirmed At All Costs? Why?
July 14th, 2018

A wolf in sheep’s clothing. Why do the elite want him confirmed so badly?

It has become clear that Supreme Court nominee, Brett Kavanaugh, is being endorsed and pushed by some very nefarious forces. Both the Deep State and the Global elite want Kavanaugh. In a recent article I highlighted many of Kavanaugh’s flaws and why he should not confirmed.

It is perfectly clear, if Kavanaugh is confirmed, Americans will lose some very significant civil liberties and the Bill of Rights will lie in ruin.

卡瓦諾的提名必須被擊敗 - 他支持墮胎、奧巴馬醫改和掩蓋Vince Foster的謀殺案
Kavanaugh’s Nomination Must Be Defeated-He Supports Abortion, Obamacare and the Cover Up of Vince Foster’s Murder
July 11th, 2018

This report is short, not-so sweet and very much to the point. In a quick sentence, Brett Kavanaugh is Deep State and he represents Deep  State interests. I have no idea what Trump could have been thinking. And in a shining moment, I understand why my friends and coll eagues, such as Dr. Ted Broer, has decisively soured on Trump as a conservative president.Today I am leaning very much in that direction.
The appointment of a Supreme Court judge is huge because this appointment will determine if the conservatives, or the mentally ill liberals will maintain a  5-4 majority decision on critical Constitutional issues. If Kavanaugh is confirmed, then Supreme Court will have been taken over by liberals.
