


The Dramatic Effects of a Pole Shift

Are you aware of the mental and physical effects of a pole shift? You might want, a pole shift is underway.




Signs Of The Times? A Plague Of Locusts Hits Mecca And Earth’s Magnetic Pole Is Experiencing A “Sudden Shift”

These days the vast majority of us heavily use GPS to get around, and the rapid movement of the magnetic North Pole is causing serious navigation errors

Precision of where the North Pole is needed for GPS across the globe, and currently is is close to exceeding “the acceptable (safe) limit for navigational errors,” the journal Nature reports.
Arnaud Chulliat, a geomagnetist at the University of Colorado Boulder and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA’s) National Centers for Environmental Information, said: “The error is increasing all the time.
“The fact that the pole is going fast makes this region more prone to large errors.”

In essence, GPS is losing its GPS.
Of course the magnetic North Pole has always been moving a little bit, but in recent years that movement has been greatly accelerating

But the movement of the north magnetic pole has been the object of study since 1831. Initially, it was tracked moving into the Arctic Ocean at a rate of about 15km each year. But, since the mid 1990s, it has picked up speed.
It’s now shifting at a rate of about 55km a year.

At the same time, Earth’s magnetic field has been getting weaker and weaker, and this has many experts deeply concerned that we could soon experience a catastrophic pole flip. The following comes from one of my previous articles

The Earth’s magnetic field is steadily getting weaker, and scientists are warning that it could soon flip. If that happens, it will be a cataclysmic event beyond anything that we have ever experienced before. Of course most people never even give much thought to the giant magnetic field that surrounds our planet, but without it modern society would simply not be possible. The magnetic field provides protection for the electrical grid which powers our homes, our businesses, our hospitals, our stores, our banks, our computers and our televisions. It is essentially an enormous “force field” that protects our world from solar storms and cosmic radiation. Right now we take that protection for granted, but scientists tell us that Earth’s magnetic field has flipped before, and that it could soon happen again.

Basically, we are talking about an event that would be even worse than a direct hit from a massive electromagnetic pulse from the sun.
If a sudden pole flip happened today, electronic devices all over the world would be crippled, and scientists tell us that we would be facing “trillions of dollars in damage”

According to a team of international scientists, including from the Australian National University (ANU), such an event in the future would increase our planet’s exposure to the Sun’s radiation, and could cause trillions of dollars in damage by decimating power and communications systems across the globe.

We truly live in apocalyptic times, although most people still don’t seem to understand what is happening.

