

追風者 - 觀看多快升级!!!龍捲風之下不找遮擋是多麽危險的事!

追風者 - 觀看多快升级!!!龍捲風之下不找遮擋是多麽危險的事!
Watch how Quickly this Escalated!!!

The DANGERS of not NOT taking shelter during a TORANDO!

The indivudal who filimed we are told by her daughter
"She ended up with a sprained ankle from the wall falling on her but is ok and blessed to be alive"

She furthered said:
"Mississippi weather is always bad so people in my town of Morton could not imagine a tornado coming through.  There has not been one in that town in over 100 years or more.  Also the tornado was not supposed to be in that area.  It was predicted to go in another direction.  So if you do have bad weather please take cover!"

Permission By: Ashton Currie

April 18, 2019 - Morton, Mississippi

