Ted & Austin: 中國的社會信用評分以富裕的人為目標 / 美國為何會輸掉全球的貿易戰
Ted & Austin Radio Show Highlights for May 16, 2019
Show Highlights:
- This is a must hear show!
- Is the Social Credit Score in China aimed at the affluent?
- China has blocked 25,000,000 plane and train tickets.
- America will lose the global trade war!..here’s why.
- Almost everything you hear on the Main Stream Media and many alternative shows is manipulation.
- This is a must hear discussion.
- What really happened with the California fires?
- PGE now having rolling black outs.
- South Africa update - the killing of whites continues.
- Today’s show includes two must hear rants from both Ted and Austin
- Gardasil vaccine exposed by Kennedy.
- Are Statin drugs really worth the risk?
- Did Monsanto hire black op teams to silence their critics?
- Must hear high energy green show!