


Allegedly the Brick pluckers were disguised protesters

Not like this... please not like this.

OrinWong [score hidden] an hour ago 
Everybody, PLEASE listen:
This photo seems real right? Yes, it SEEMS like that, but I am here to tell you the truth.
I was at this exact spot this morning. There were really people gathering brick blocks, however, these people actually work for the GOVERNMENT! They kept getting brick blocks and kept putting them in our(citizens) supplies area.
The Government is obviously trying to trick people into thinking that we are cruel and nonsense.
Well, seems like the ones who are purely evil are the Government...
Got nothing else to say here. Just... #saveourplace

[–]concealedflight [score hidden] an hour ago
How do you know this?

[–]OrinWong [score hidden] 40 minutes ago
~These people don't even participate(yelling)
~Most of them speak putonghua
~They just gather bricks instead of helping
~The people who came there first knew clearly who these people were
