I just realized Trump has basically taken on the world and won possibly though.. by controlled opposition through the design of the Jesuit's.
However does that Simpsons episode of him in a coffin, starting to ring a bell?
He is transitioning us from a USA Corporation back to being a Constitutional Republic.
Have you noticed the gold fringe on the flag? That is a signal that we were under Admiralty law. Do you see any ocean or ships around here? Nor I !!! They have taken all the flags down in front of the United Nations building.
1. The federal reserve is gone!!!
2. IRS soon to be gone!!!
3. All judges and lawyers will have to undo allegiance to the crown i.e. the queen of England through the BAR. Their new loyalties will be to the Constitutional Republic of These United States!!!
There is a whole plethora of other things...
The main thing is we will be under NESARA law. Is what I'm possibly visualizing 🤔
March 10, 2020
Bush Sr. and Jr., Clintons, Obamas, McCain, and the “Obama Judge,” Chief Justice Roberts
GESARA/NESARA was formed by farmers who were taken advantage of by the government and incorporated the 14th Amendment into their GESARA/NESARA plan. Section 4; 14th Amendment:
“The validity of the public debt of the United States authorized by law, including debts incurred for payments of debts and pensions and bounties for services in pressing insurrection or in rebellion shall not be questioned, but neither the United States nor any state shall assume or pay any debt or obligation incurred in aid or insurrection or rebellion against the United States, or any claim for the loss or emancipation of any slave, but also such debts, obligations shall be held illegal and void.”
This is why the Democratic Party is saying we will go ahead and fine you for emancipation for the slaves. They know that was going to happen anyway. This sums up to all the debts by “fraud.”
NESARA forgives credit card, mortgage and other bank debts due to the illegal banking and government activities. We have been blinded by fraud. It abolishes income tax, the IRS, creates a flat rate non-essential new only on sales items for government revenue. This is also on “excise tax,” food, attorney, goods, etc., everything you purchase. It increases benefits to senior citizens, returns Constitutional Law. Establishes new Presidential and Congressional elections within 120 days after NESARA’s announcement.
NESARA = National Economic Security and Reformation Act
It creates NEW USA currency backed by gold, silver, platinum and precious metals. Returns Constitutional Law to courts and all legal matters, initiates new US Treasury Banking System in alignment with Constitutional Law. THERE is the RESET!
This eliminates the Federal Reserve System, which JFK tried to do and was assassinated over. The Fed is run by the elites, the cabal which have been good at manipulating the dollar and the markets. It restores financial privacy, retrains all judges and attorneys in Constitutional Law. Ceases all US military actions worldwide, establishes peace throughout the world. Initiates first days of world wide prosperity and distribution of vast wealth which has been accumulating for many decades. Releases enormous amounts of money for humanitarian purposes, enables the release of new technologies such as alternative energy devices. It enables the release of over 6,000 patents of suppressed technologies being withheld from the public under the guise of national security, including FREE energy devices, anti-gravity and sonic healing machines. These patents are for curing diseases and man-made viruses.
All the Democratic candidates have been telling Americans, “I will give you a cure if I become President.”
President Clinton is the one who signed this into law, and it was to be announced to the Americans on September 11, 2001, at 10:00 AM EST. Allan Greenspan was scheduled to announce the US Treasury System Debt Forgiveness for all U.S. citizens and abolishment of the IRS as the first part of the public announcement of NESARA. At 9:00 AM, George H. W. Bush, Sr. ordered the demolition of the World Trade Center to stop the international banking computers in floors one and two in the North Tower from initiating the new U.S. Treasury Bank System. Not only would U.S. citizens be wealthy, we would have had power. CIA and Mossad operators remotely detonated explosives in Number 7 hours later in the day to cover the crimes.
Congress has known about GESARA and NESARA and Senators know about it. If you call them or email them for a response, you will be ignored. These politicians are under a “gag order” from the Supreme Court forbidding discussion regarding this matter!
Chief Justice John Roberts was working with George H. W. Bush Sr. to prevent GESARA/NESARA from coming to fruition. Is Justice Roberts a scumbag that worked George W. Bush Jr. to “steal the $9.1 TRILLION from the Treasury Department, supposed to go to the global prosperity fund? Those funds would have come to you and to me. Did Justice Roberts work with Bush Sr. and Bush Jr. to avoid NESARA? Was Bush Jr. a puppet and had to have his “daddy” move into the White House on September 9, 2001 to prevent NESARA from being announced and instead, over 3,000 lives were lost that day, but remote controlled bombs implanted the day of horror. Justice Roberts was caught transferring $3 TRILLION to his own personal bank account and $10 TRILLION to Chaney, Bush, Clintons and McCain. Was Bush Jr. a defacto President? He was NOT a Constitutional President. He was a President on strings. NESARA pays out $100,000 each month for 11 years to every American citizen?
This treasonous Congressmen and Senators should get a sentence to GITMO, or executions, or other prisons. Over 6,000 patents for cures for diseases should be released. This was all initially formed by farmers who were defrauded and NESARA is an offshoot of the 14th Amendment. The problem was the U.S. did not have enough bouillons to back this NESARA plan because we need something solid. We need the Treasury Department completely removed or restructured. We cannot count on a dollar manipulated by humans.
President Trump went to India and negotiated a deal to for them to buy from us and pay in gold, and for now, they are a friendly partner. Why would India celebrate and welcome President Trump and Melania? The implementation of GESARA/NESARA will make India and its people very wealthy. India has lots of gold, making this a win win, as usual for President Trump. Why can’t this be implemented now? Because dirty cops crocked politicians and deep state cabal needs to face justice before any before any of these benefits go into effect.
Maria Bartiromo posted (regarding Corona virus), “I don’t want to panic anybody, but my sources are telling me we are going to see 10’s of 1,000s, ultimately 100’s of 1,000s of cases of Corona virus in the United States. This is what is going to happen.” When asked over which period of time, she answered, “Next 6 months to a year.” “We are going to see volatility in the markets until we understand what this means. I want to add is that not everybody will be deathly sick---.” “A federal rate cut, money from the fed, stimulus that does not cure Corona virus.”
This is not about Republican vs. Democrat, or left vs. right. It is about good vs. evil. People in Congress who dreaded for NESARA to come into play are the crooked, treasonous ones and they have very fat bank accounts because of their dirty deeds in Congress. Justice Roberts needs to resign from his post as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. How can our nation prosper when our Chief Justice of the Supreme Court has stolen 100’s of millions from us?
Bernie Sanders offered free Corona virus vaccinations ONLY if he was to be elected President. He is one the signers of the gag order keeping everyone quiet about NESARA. They all watched the nation go through the housing crises, foreclosures, etc.
Corona virus quarantine camps are in the same locations as the indictments! Italy is suspending mortgage payments amid Corona virus lock down. Is GESARA taking place in other nations? United Kingdom and Scotland are doing the same thing. U.S. banks just quarantined themselves March 9, 2020 and called it Project Kennedy.
~Ja Phathyte