



#Signsendtimes 科學的秘密宗教和“隱形書院”
#Signsendtimes The secret religion of science and The “Invisible College”.

DAN 12.4 “But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.”
但以理阿, 你要隱藏這話, 封閉這書, 直到末時。必有多人來往奔跑( 或作切心研究) , 知識就必增長。

Freemason Robert Boyle first called the Royal Society “the Invisible College.” Boyle was a Stuart loyalist and a Grand Master of the Priory of Sion.

After the fall of the Knights Templar in 1307, and after Pope Clement V officially disbanded the order in 1312, Templar Rosicrucians (Priory of Sion after the Cutting of the Elm in 1188 when they left the Templars) established their own Gnostic church in  1317, the “Keeper of Wisdom”.

This secret church (Snake Brotherhood) comprised a “college”of thirty-three Sages/Adepts, the Elders of the Rose and Cross, and was the foundation to modern Rosicrucianism. This Snake Brotherhood was the foundation stone for building of the “Royal Society” known in occult circles as the “Invisible College”.

In 1623, Rosicrucians made its first public appearance under the name: “College of the Brothers of the Rose Cross” claiming to possess the perfect knowledge of the gods. The brotherhood was formed with thirty-six mysterious members at the core known as the Invisible Ones.

Twenty years later Invisible Colleges were created in England by Rosicrucians and Freemasons, and in France by Rosicrucians, and again in England after Cromwell in 1660.

Freemason Adept and historian, Robert Lomas, states Rosicrucians were the first scientists and the last of the sorcerers. The founders of modern science were all occultists practicing magic, alchemy, and astrology who proudly claim to speak to demons and fallen angels: spirit guides and avatars.

The Rosicrucian Order is  an “inner world group” of great Adepts holding knowledge, power, and wisdom they believe makes them demigods compared to mundane humans. They answer directly to the “College of Invisibles”, their source of the knowledge and allegedly the “invisible world government”.

The mission was to build a House of Solomon, the idealistic Temple for the Sciences imagined and conceived by Sir Francis Bacon and Sir Thomas More. According to Freemasonry, The Royal Society was organized to be a (secret) society to cultivate the sciences and to advance the philosophy introduced by Sir Francis Bacon.

Bacon is considered to be a past Master of the Royal Society in honour of his literary inspiration that sponsored the Royal Society/Invisible College. Bacon’s portrait rests prominently alongside that of King Charles II, who authorized the charter of the founding, and William Brouencker the first president.

Under Bacon’s portrait is an inscription, describing him as the “Inspirational Source” for the idea derived in Bacon’s “The New Atlantis” to create a research establishment for science, a “Solomon’s House” or a “College of Six Days.”

The “New Atlantis” was to be a place where mystical faith, reason, and science coexist in perfect harmony through the religion of mysticism

Bacon cultivated views of advanced learning in De Augmentis Scientiarum, from which he craftily combined with his philosophy from to author “The New Atlantis”. Bacon’s renaissance system of philosophy is believed enough in these occult circles will be the end-time unification of religion.

One of the key, inner secrets of Freemasonry and Rosicrucians is the self-admitted awareness of prehistoric Snake gods and their loyalty to these Snake gods who willed their spurious knowledge to certain individuals that was then passed down through anointed Mystery Schools.

Rosicrucians believe in the  fallen (Snake) angels and demons, calling them “The Invisible Ones”. These Aeons are once more making themselves known as they await the imminent emergence of the New Atlantis and are, in truth, the very same avatars, fallen angels, demons, gray fairies/aliens that Rosicrucians and Rex Deus Elders are counseled by.

The avatar, a term employed prominently in Theosophy/Gnosticism, applied to “invisible secret masters”: demons and fallen angels. Satan too, is referred to as the “avatar tempter” that fell from grace, the avatar of the serpent in Eden.







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