Pentagon braced for the release of 400,000 Iraq files on Wikileaks
The Pentagon is braced for its biggest-ever security breach of classified information as Wikileaks, the website that publishes leaked official documents, prepares to release 400,000 intelligence files related to the Iraq war.
五角大樓在防備其有史以來最大的安全漏洞的機密資料,因為公布洩露官方文件的網站維基解密,準備發佈 40萬份有關伊拉克戰爭的情報檔案。
By Toby Harnden in Washington
Published: 8:35PM BST 17 Oct 2010

羅伯特蓋茨已表示,洩露從 2004年1月至2009年12月的機密資料,並沒有透露任何敏感的情報來源或方法' 照片:路透社
A task force of 120 people has been assembled to assess the potential implications and damage of the disclosure of the documents, which promises to eclipse the recent release of more than 70,000 classified US military files on the Afghanistan war.
一個120人的工作隊已組裝去評估,披露文件的潛在影響和損害。這將使最近發布超過 70,000份,美國軍方在阿富汗戰爭的保密文件變得黯然失色。
Col. Dave Lapan, the Pentagon spokesman, said the timing of the leak remained unclear but the Defence Department was ready for a document dump as early as Monday or Tuesday.
Some of the new data is said to be from a "tactical reports database" in Iraq that lists SIGACTS ("Significant activities") relating to major military operations, movement of personnel and alliances with key tribal figures and allies.
The Afghanistan release in July prompted, Admiral Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, to warn that WikiLeaks might cause the deaths of American troops and Afghan civilians named as cooperating with Nato forces because the documents contained names.
The documents detailed Nato concerns that the Pakistan intelligence services has backed the Taliban fight against US forces in Afghanistan, they also exposed an increasing number of Afghan civilians being killed by coalition troops. The leak also detailed how a secret "black" unit of special forces were allowed to hunt down and "capture or kill" Taliban leaders without trial.
But Robert Gates, the US Defence Secretary, said in a letter to the head of the Senate Armed Services Committee, that the leak of classified information from Jan 2004 to Dec 2009 had not revealed any "sensitive intelligence sources or methods".
He added that disclosing the names of Afghans who had helped Nato could cause "significant harm or damage to national security interests of the United States".
The investigation into the Afghan war leak has centred on Private Bradley Manning, who worked as a US Army intelligence analyst in Iraq. Manning is already under arrest and charged with leaking a classified video of a 2007 helicopter attack that killed a dozen people in Iraq.
Julian Assange, 39, the WikiLeaks founder, an Australian, has accused the Pentagon of seeking to destroy the website, which carries the slogan: "We open governments".
The website was launched four years ago and posts anonymous leaks of secret information online. The leaks have included the membership of the far-right British National Party and the email account of Sarah Palin, the former Alaska governor.
Juan Zarate, a former Bush administration counter-terrorism official, told CBS News that the actions of WikiLeaks helped build distrust of the US government among allies. "Can you trust the U.S. government to not only hold information but to, you know, keep it safe?
"Internally, this also creates a chill in terms of information sharing within the US government - between intelligence services and the military, for example."
(路透)2010年10月17日 星期日 17:50
(路透華盛頓 17日電)美國 媒體今天報導,美國國防部長蓋茨(Robert Gates)表示,「維基解密」(WikiLeaks)網站未經授權公布的大約7萬份有關阿富汗 戰爭機密文件,並沒有透露敏感的內容,但可能危及協助美國的阿富汗人。
今年7月維基解密公布這些文件之後,蓋茨於8月16日致函美國參議院軍事委員會主席李文(Carl Levin),作了上述評估。「紐約 時報」(New York Times)和美國有線電視 新聞網(CNN)都見到了這封信。
蓋茨又說,揭露和美國合作的阿富汗人的姓名,可能使他們成為塔利班 (Taliban)的攻擊目標,而這可能對「美國國家安全利益造成重大傷害或損失」。