


The Grasdorf Pictogram Plates

2010 10 25
From: NaturalPlane.Blogspot.com
Translation by Autumnson Blog

Farmer Werner Harenberg woke up early in the morning of July 23, 1991 to discover Germany’s first spectacular crop circle near the village of Grasdorf, Lower Saxony in the historic Teutoburger Wald Area, not far from Hannover. This location is not far from the prehistoric site of Externsteine, part natural rock, part carvings, caves and bearing various signs of what seems like long and varied religious practices. After noticing that the straws were unbroken, merely bent, Harenberg stated that it could not have been made by amateurs such as had recently allegedly been at play further north in Schleswig-Holstein.
農夫沃納哈林堡在 1991年7月23日早起,發現德國的第一個壯觀的麥田圈在格斯道亞夫的鄉村附近,在歷史悠久的 Teutoburger瓦爾德區的下薩克森,離漢諾威不遠。這個位置是在史前遺址Externsteine的不遠處,部分是天然岩石,部分是石刻,岩洞和方位種種跡象似乎像悠久和不同的宗教習俗。在注意到禾稈未斷而純是彎曲,哈林堡申明它不可能是由業餘愛好者所做,這正如最近地已據稱在石荷州遠北部所發揮的。
A visitor to the farm, a man wearing a house painter’s outfit and a hanging moustache, turned up nine days later bringing along his metal detector. He searched all nine parts of the pictogram dropping a handkerchief in three spots as mark...all of them had a spherical symbol, less than a semi-circle attached to it. Then he went to his car to pick up a digging tool and a bucket unearthing a bronze, silver and gold plates at the three areas he marked.
一名到農場的訪者,一名男子身穿一套房子畫家的裝備和一掛鬍子,在九天之後出現並帶同他的金屬探測器。他搜索象形文字的所有九個部分,跌下手帕在三個點作為標記 ...它們全都有一個球形符號,少於半個圈附在它之上。然後他去到他的車取來一件挖掘工具和一個水桶,在他加上記號的三個地點出土一件銅、一件銀和一件金碟。
The visitor’s whereabouts and identity have not been disclosed. After cleaning the plates, on impulse or with selling in mind, he split the gold plate in half. At least that’s what he told the man who bought the two and a half plates, a man who prefers anonymity. The buyer is described as a man of considerable wealth and of high position, as an industrialist; nevertheless he had two of the plates, the bronze and the silver ones. The plates were analyzed on a number of occasions, first at a private jeweler’s, then at the German Technical Institute’s department for research in metallurgy in Berlin.
The silver plate consisted of almost 100% pure silver, which is highly unusual. Artifacts from Roman times, about 2.000 years old, may contain as much. The bronze plate did contain bronze and tin in the usual nine to one relation.
Where are the plates currently? Probably in the possession of this industrialist, one must assume. Photos do exist...something he did not object to, especially of the bronze and silver pieces. The gold plate remains the biggest mystery of the three; it has not been analyzed and a photo shows only half of it.

The mystery being that all three plates, including the gold plate, as far as photos show, bear engravings...elevations representing miniatures of the actual crop circle. The bronze and silver plates are both 23 cm in circumference weighing three and half and five kilos respectively.

The bronze plate furthermore has several hollows placed in distances clearly suggesting a heaven of fixed stars.

The gold plate is 18 cm and weighs seven or eight kilos, according to Markus Schlottig, who has written a book dealing largely with the Grasdorf crop circle "Der Schlüssel zum Garten Eden" on a speculative-mythological basis.

The industrialist is quoted as saying he would pay any price, and, it is said, he has paid more than the estimated value. If the plates are a fraud, it’s an expensive one. If the plates were made by artisans before, during and after the nine days between the formation of the crop circle and the seemingly accidental finding of the plates, it could be an ambitious project to verify extraterrestrial origin of crop circles while at the same time creating a long-missing link from a glorious but largely unknown German prehistory to the present day.

Crop Circles - Definitive evidence (Fox News) - napisy PL
麥田圈 - 確切證據(福克斯新聞) - napisy PL



