Patients' anger after they are unable to opt out of swine flu vaccine despite fears of side effects
By Jo Macfarlane
Last updated at 2:14 AM on 24th October 2010
Translation by Autumnson Blog
Patients' groups have expressed anger over this year's seasonal flu jab programme because people are unable to opt out of having the swine flu vaccine.
The H1N1 vaccine will be the dominant of three flu strains included in the shot, meaning millions of elderly and vulnerable patients will get it automatically.
Yet many people refused to have the swine flu vaccine when it was offered last year because of fears it may cause serious side effects.
The H1N1 'swine flu' vaccine will be included in this years seasonal flu jab meaning millions of elderly and vulnerable patients will get it automatically
The Mail on Sunday revealed last week that Government experts are examining a possible association between the H1N1 swine flu jab and the paralysing nerve disease Guillain-Barre Syndrome.
The vaccine has also been linked to fevers in young children, temporary paralysis and narcolepsy.
Katherine Murphy, chief executive of the Patients Association, said: 'We are very disappointed that patients are not being given the opportunity to choose for themselves whether they wish to take the swine flu vaccine as part of their winter flu vaccine.
病人協會的首席行政長凱瑟琳墨菲說:"我們感到非常失望,病人並沒有被給予機會去為他們自己選擇 ,無論他們是否想藉此豬流感疫苗,作為他們的冬季流感疫苗的一部分。
'Some may not want the swine flu vaccine and this may mean they would also miss out on their winter flu jab. This seems to go completely against the new initiative from the Government which states that in the NHS there will be "No decision about me without me" for patients and that there will be a large emphasis on patient choice.
There does not seem to be any patient choice involved here – either patients have both vaccines or no vaccine.' Each year the World Health Organisation considers which strains of flu will be dominant in winter.Katherine Murphy, chief executive of the Patients Association is disappointed that patients are not being given the opportunity to choose for themselves
This year they ruled H1N1 would be a dominant strain. The annual seasonal flu jab is being offered to about 12 million people. For the first time, pregnant women are included because of the dangers posed by the swine flu virus. However, some patients are fearful of having this year's jab.
Mary Harris, 64, from Plymouth, developed breathing problems and spent three days in hospital after having the swine flu vaccine last year. She said: 'I don't know whether to have the seasonal flu jab, even though I know I should. But I don't want a repeat of last year.
There really should be a choice.' The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency received nearly 8,600 suspected adverse reactions to the swine flu jab during the pandemic last winter. Most involved pain or swelling at the site of the jab, vomiting and headaches.
The MHRA also received 15 reports of patients developing Guillain-Barre Syndrome. It is not known if the cases are linked to the vaccine, although a swine flu jab in the US in 1976 led to 25 deaths from the condition.
The British Medical Association agreed last month that patients should be told the seasonal jab contains the swine flu strain. Dr Peter Holden of the BMA said: 'This is not a Machiavellian plot to vaccinate everyone against swine flu.
There isn't enough capacity to produce an alternative vaccine for those worried about swine flu. 'The consequences of flu are a greater risk than any risk posed by the vaccine itself.'
Professor David Salisbury of the Department of Health said: 'Given that we expect the H1N1 virus to be the most common type this year, it would be negligent if we didn't protect people against it.
Every year people die in this country from complications caused by getting flu; these are deaths that could be prevented. 'I would encourage anyone who is offered the seasonal flu vaccine to accept it.'
聚山梨醇酯80在豬流感疫苗 =人類不育
美疾控中心據稱偽造報告 - 不顧來自H1N1疫苗高達 3,587宗的流產
2 則留言:
疫苗是一個大陰謀, 讓人不知底下將水銀放在身體, 也將chips 植入身體
HAARP 將用作控制思想
2.chips之前已多次分析過設計及功能未達要求,尚無可能植入晶片。但此次則不同了,小弟已作分析 '世衛說甲型H1N1流感開始出現變異 '