Experts admit swine flu jab 'may cause' deadly nerve disease
By Jo Macfarlane
Last updated at 11:24 PM on 16th October 2010
Translation by Autumnson Blog
The MoS report last year
Health chiefs have for the first time acknowledged that the swine flu jab may be linked to an increased risk of developing a deadly nerve condition.
Experts are examining a possible association between the controversial jab and Guillain-Barre Syndrome, according to a report from official watchdog the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA).
英國專家們正在研究一可能的關係,在爭議性的刺戳和格林巴利綜合症(GBS)之間,根據一份報告來自官方的監督者- 藥品和保健產品監管署(MHRA)。
Previously, the Government has always stressed there is no evidence to link the paralysing condition to the H1N1 vaccine.
此前政府一直強調,沒有證據顯示 H1N1疫苗聯繫至癱瘓狀態。 Fears: GBS victim Hilary Wilkinson wants more research on the vaccine
After The Mail on Sunday revealed in August 2009 that doctors were being asked to monitor cases of GBS during the swine flu pandemic, a letter from the Health Protection Agency’s chief executive Justin McCracken stated: ‘There is no evidence to suggest an increased risk of GBS from the vaccines being developed to fight the current pandemic.’
Now the MHRA’s newly published report suggests the Government’s position has changed.
現在,英國 MHRA的新發表報告提出政府的立場已有所改變。
It says: ‘Given the uncertainties in the available information and as with seasonal flu vaccines, a slightly elevated risk of GBS following H1N1 vaccines cannot be ruled out. Epidemiological studies are ongoing to further assess this possible association.’
它說:'由於現有資料和正與季節性流感疫苗的不明朗因素,一稍微提高 的GBS風險隨著H1N1疫苗是不能排除的。流行病學研究正在進行去進一步評估這項可能的關聯。'
It is not known precisely what causes GBS but the condition attacks the lining of the nerves, leaving them unable to transmit signals to muscles effectively.
It can cause partial paralysis and mostly affects the hands and feet – but it can be fatal.
它可造成局部癱瘓,和主要是影響手和腳 - 但它是能夠致命的。
Mother-of-two Hilary Wilkinson, 58, from Maryport, Cumbria, developed GBS following a chest infection and spent three months in hospital learning to walk and talk again.
She said: ‘It’s a frightening illness and I think more research needs to be done on the effect of the swine flu vaccine.’
A vaccine used to combat a different form of swine flu in the US in 1976 led to 25 deaths from the condition, compared with just one death from swine flu itself.
Amid fears there could be a repeat, neurologists were asked to record cases of GBS in the UK swine flu outbreak. Millions of people this year will be exposed to the swine flu vaccine as it has been included within the seasonal flu jab.
Government experts say there is no evidence of an increase in risk similar to 1976, but the MHRA report reveals they are calculating if there might be a smaller raised risk.
The MHRA had 15 suspected GBS cases after vaccination – and six million doses of the swine flu jab Pandemrix were given. It is not known if swine flu or the vaccine could have caused the suspected cases.
A spokeswoman for the MHRA said the risk with the vaccine had not changed and that the report ‘simply expands’ on ongoing GBS analysis.
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