反對歐元和豬流感疫苗的頂層波蘭領導人 在神秘的飛機墜毀中被消滅
Top Polish leaders opposing euro and swine flu vaccines wiped out in mysterious plane crash
Last Updated on Sunday, 11 April 2010
According to media, authorities are handling the deaths of top Polish political, military and economic leaders in a plane crash in the western Russian city of Smolensk on Saturday as an accident.
But a day after the crash, many unanswered questions surround the event.
Polskaweb has said that an assassination cannot be ruled out.
There are many reasons to dismiss the official story of how Poland’s president, all of Poland's top army chiefs, the central bank governor and secret service chief died as a cover-up of massive proportions.
According to the mainstream media, the Polish delegation was flying from Warsaw to Smolensk to mark the 70th anniversary of the Katyn massacre of thousands of Poles by Soviet secret service during the second world war.
根據主流媒體,波蘭代表團從華沙飛往斯摩棱斯克,為世二戰時成千上萬的波蘭人被蘇聯特工 在卡廷大屠殺的70週年紀念。
But the official ceremony marking the Katyn anniversary was held earlier in the week on Wednesday and attended by Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk and Russian head of state Vladimir Putin.
The Polish President Lech Kaczynski was not invited.
How come Presidnt Kaczynski and half of Poland’s government flew to Katyn three days after the official anniversary?
Why did100 figures who are vital for the day-to-day functioning of the Polish government go to a relatively insignificant ceremony, and not to the main one?
為何 100位人物他們在波蘭政府日復日的運作是至為重要的,會去到一個相對意義不大的儀式,而不是去主要的一個?
What reason could there be for the Polish central bank governor to fly to Katyn to attend the ceremony?
Why did the 100 top Polish leaders all fly on the same plane?
How could security protocols that require that even a president and his deputy fly separately be so relaxed that so many key people needed to run the Polish government from day to day are allowed to fly on the same plane?
And in a Russian Tupolev plane, and to the traditional arch-enemy of Poland, Russia?
This massacre of the Polish elite occurred on the way to commemorate the murder of 4,000 Polish officers and intellecturals massacred by the Soviets in 1940.
這次波蘭精英的大屠殺發生在路途上,去紀念 4,000波蘭軍官和知識份子的謀殺,被蘇聯在1940年大屠殺。
But what is the probability of a second massacre of the entire Polish leadership occurring in the same place 70 years later?
但是什麼是第二次整個波蘭領導層的大屠殺的機會率,70年後發生在同一地點 ?
Why were none of the journalists that accompany the president on the plane as usual?
According to Polish media, journalists were told that they had been assigned to another plane that had had technical problems and they would, therefore, need to switch to a third plane, delaying their arrival in Katyn.
The delay of the journalists in arriving at the scene of the crash allowed a better manipulation of the media coverage.
According to Bild am Sonntag and the Berliner Zeitung, a hotel close to the crash site was sealed off, possible to ensure that journalists who might have seen the crash could not send photos or reports.
A man who took pictures of the crash site using his mobile phone had to erase the photos at a police check point on his way home.
Polish and Russian officials said no-one survived the crash. All the bodies have been found, they allege - and yet at the same time, authorities say DNA tests will have to be carried out on the bones of many to identify them.
Have all the bodies been found? Or not?
Were there any bodies? How many?
What evidence is there that these people were on the plane to Smolensk at all apart from the passenger list issued by the authorities?
It is conceivable that the 100 top Polish leaders were rounded up in a purge and killed or kidnapped inside Poland and that the airplane accident in Russia was staged to explain their deaths.
A map of the air port north of Smolensk can be seen here:
Weather reports indicate clouds but little fog.
According to the official version, however, the plane hit trees as it approached Smolensk airport in thick fog, and caught fire.
The plane made four landing attempts because of the fog, according to the mainstream media.
But another witness reported hearing an explosion.
The damage of the plane shown is consistent with an explosion.
Debris was scattered around an area one kilometer.
Pilot error was a possible reason for the crash, according to the official story.
But the pilots chosen to fly heads of state are highly qualified.
Why was the plane flying so low that it hit a tree? Weren’t the instruments measuring altitude on board working?
What was the co pilot doing?
Where was the military escort? The security service detail?
Russian media reports said the pilots ignored advice from air traffic control to divert to another airport.
"The pilot was advised to land in Minsk, but decided to land in Smolensk," said the spokesman, Andrei Yevseyenkov.
But pilots have to follow a standardised procedure for landing and must divert if there is visibility is too poor.
Other reports say Kaczynski himself intervened to force the pilot to land. How likely is it that the pilot would listen to the president and not follow standard procedures?
How likely that the entire army leadership would allow Kaczynski to force the pilot to land. The head of the Polish air force was also on board according to the official story.
Smolensk airport is a military airport classified as a “ClassOne Aiport” that can handle all types of planes, though there are conflicting reports about whether it had an ILS system.
斯摩棱斯克機場是列為“一級機場”的一個軍用機場,可以處理所有類型的飛機,儘管有矛盾的報告關於是否有一個 ILS系統。
The media says the Tu-154 also has a questionable safety record, and the presidential plane was at least 20 years old.
媒體說圖 -154亦有一個可疑的安全紀錄,以及總統專機是至少20歲。
But other sources say the plane had just undergone a service. A thorough check is routine before a flight.
Planes as the safest means of travel in the world. Hardly any head of state has killed in a plane crash in the past 30 to 40 years. Now half the Polish government has died.
How likely is it that this was an accident?
Who gains from the death of so many leading Polish figures?
The main winner is Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk who has wiped out the entire opposition to his pro-euro, pro-IMF, pro-New World Order policies, even though they appear to be some allies sacrificed on the plane, including the pro swine flu vaccine ombudsman.
Nevertheless, the backbone of Polish opposition to the NWO appears to have been killed.
“Among the victims were key members of Poland’s biggest opposition party, Law and Justice, including current and former heads of the party’s parliamentary caucus, Grazyna Gesicka and Przemyslaw Gosiewski as well as the party’s main economic expert Aleksandra Natalli-Swiat, and deputy parliamentary speaker Krzysztof Putra.
The list also includes deputy parliamentary speaker Jerzy Szmajdzinski, who was the presidential candidate of the opposition Left Democratic Alliance. That means the crash killed the presidential candidates of two of Poland’s three largest parties. Kaczynski had already won the endorsement of the opposition Law and Justice party. He was to officially declare his candidacy in May,” reports Bloomberg.
With President Kaczynski out of the way and the two presidential candidates, the next president can appoint the top army leaders and the central bank governor as well as judges - in short replace the entire Polish government with people friendly to the New World Order and Bilderberg agenda.
Tusk's presidential candidate Komorowski has just said he would set the date of a presidential election which had been due in October forward to June, giving Tusk's party an added advantage.
圖斯克的總統候選人 Komorowski剛表示,他將訂定總統大選的日期,由已到期的10月提前至6月,讓圖斯克的黨有一個額外的好處。
Tusk appears to be just a puppet for the NWO, operating across countries, and including Putin, who is supposed to be leading the probe in the crash in Russia.
The bodies of the victims have been taken to Moscow.
There is evidence that many government officials work for the private interests of an international corporate crime syndicate, gearing up for the total destruction of nation states and the US dollar and euro to establish a one world government under the UN flagship.
Poland’s top leaders have defied the NWO by refusing the swine flu vaccination and postponing joining the euro, a “must”, according to IMF head Dominique Strauss-Kahn.
They have paid a heavy price.
True, Tusk appeared to support his health minister when she refused to buy the swine flu vaccine last autumn. But even the Austrian Health Minister criticized WHO for declaring a pandemic prematurely – but only after he saw how big the opposition to the vaccines in Austria already was.
誠然,圖斯克似乎支持他的衛生部長,去年秋天當她拒絕購買豬流感疫苗。但即使奧地利衛生部長批評世衛過早宣布流感大流行 - 但只是他看到已在奧地利反對疫苗是有多大後。
Acting skills are vital for leadership, Adolf Hitler said.
By purging Poland of its top leadership and opposition, the NWO has sent out a signal, a clear warning to other government figures not to resist its agenda.
It is less likely that the Polish Health Minister will dare refuse vaccine the next time WHO declares a pandemic after this incident.
It is less likely that Greece’s central bankers and opposition parties will push for Greece to leave the eurozone or operate a domestic currency in parallel with the euro.
That, anyway, is the calculation of the New World Order.
The murder of the Polish leaders signals the start of a new era of terror and could be the start of a whole series of purges of government officials opposing their agenda.
The NWO has declared war on us, and we must fight back.
The time for action has come.
Dramatic Impact on Polish Politics
APRIL 11, 2010, 9:24 A.M. ET
President and two presidential candidates killed, reports WSJ
Sunday, 11 April 2010 12:39
據外電消息,俄羅斯副總理伊萬諾夫(Sergei Ivanov)12日表示,飛行數據証實,波蘭總統專機到達俄羅斯斯摩棱斯克機場時,機組人員確實收到了有關天氣狀況惡劣的警告。
Poland no longer needs IMF credit line
MARCH 29 2010 17:56h
Jane Burgermeister :波蘭飛機失事真相的視頻
Jane Burgermeister 爆料結果:波蘭反對黨要求國際調查飛機墜毀
波蘭墜機:飛行員被GPWS系統 警告:他太接近地面
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