


Baptising Aliens NWO PSYOP!!!!



Pope's Astronomer Would Baptize ET

Lee Speigel

(Sept. 24) – If extraterrestrials exist, then they may have souls, and if they'd like to be baptized, a Vatican astronomer has offered to reach out and touch them.

"I'd be delighted if we found life elsewhere and delighted if we found intelligent life elsewhere," Guy Consolmagno, a planetary scientist at the Vatican observatory, told The Guardian.

Speaking just before last week's British Science Festival, Consolmagno, curator of Pope Benedict XVI's meteorite collection, suggested that the odds of the human race finding and being able to communicate with aliens are probably astronomical, but it's an idea that expands the concept of religion.

"God is bigger than just humanity. God is also the god of angels. Any entity, no matter how many tentacles it has, has a soul," Consolmagno said.

And his is not the only religious voice speaking out on the possibility that we're not alone in the universe.
Guy Consolmagno, a planetary scientist at the Vatican observatory, is shown with the Vatican meteorite collection at Castel Gandolfo, near Rome.
在梵蒂岡天文台的行星科學家蓋伊 Consolmagno,在羅馬附近的岡道爾夫堡和梵蒂岡的隕石收集一起被顯示。

"I think the Vatican is very much with the position that there may be other life in the universe -- I think they're OK with that," retired Presbyterian minister Barry Downing told AOL News.

"Not only does Guy Consolmagno's statement point to that, but you've had [Vatican senior exorcist and demonologist] Corrado Balducci saying for some time that UFOs are real and come from the natural world, not the supernatural world, so he makes that distinction."

Speaking from his Endwell, N.Y., home, Downing, author of "The Bible and Flying Saucers" (Marlowe), said the idea of baptizing aliens, from a biblical point of view, is a matter that needs discussion.

"On the one hand, you could say, 'No, you shouldn't do it,' because in Matthew 28, Jesus gave a commandment, 'Go you, therefore, baptize all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.' Jesus didn't say, 'Go baptize all planets.'

"So, the commandment is restrictive, and, therefore there's no need to worry about baptizing aliens if they show up."

Downing says the bigger question is: How do we know aliens are going to need to be baptized?

"The Christian message is, the spirit of God wishes to enter into you and be part of your life, and when you're baptized, the promise is that that has happened," he said.

"The question I would ask is, If we've got some type of an extraterrestrial reality flying around our skies in a universe that's 13 billion years old, don't we need to face the possibility that this reality -- whatever it is -- might be millions of years ahead of us? And why would we suppose that they would not already have the Holy Spirit and therefore not need to be baptized by the Church?"

Last November, at a Vatican-sponsored astrobiology conference, scientists gathered to discuss the possibility and implications of alien life. The five-day event was sanctioned by the Vatican's Pontifical Academy of Sciences.
While a Vatican astronomer has offered to reach out and touch aliens to baptize them, the Catholic Church is showing signs of interest in possible alien life.

Jose Gabriel Funes, director of the Vatican Observatory, had previously stated that the existence of intelligent ETs would pose no conflict to Catholic theology. He suggested that many forms of life might be thriving throughout the cosmos.

"This is not in contradiction with our faith, because we cannot establish limits to God's creative freedom," he told the Vatican's L'Osservatore Romano newspaper in 2008.

"If we consider earthly creatures as brothers and sisters, why could we not speak of a brother alien? He would also belong to the Creation," Funes speculated.

Whether or not our alien brothers and sisters decide to visit Earth, Downing isn't convinced they would need our help with whatever souls they might have.

"I'm skeptical that any aliens that show up would be godless -- in our sense of the term -- and therefore I would be skeptical that there'd be a need to baptize them, but time would tell."
“我懷疑任何出現的外星人將是無神論的 - 以我們在這字眼上的意義 - 和因此我將會懷疑,有需要去為牠們洗禮,但時間會證明一切。”
So is the Vatican inching closer to some sort of full disclosure about extraterrestrial life? And if contact is made with otherworldly creatures, would Consolmagno still be serious about baptizing an alien?
所以,梵蒂岡是否緩慢接近某種完全的披露有關外星生命?和如果與空想的生物接觸, Consolmagno對有關施洗外星人會否依然認真?
"Only if they asked," he said.




... ...洗禮通過把水倒在,撒向受洗者頭上或把受浸者放進水中,然後扶起來施行。

... ...根據“聖經”教訓,洗禮讓基督徒在眾人(包括上帝,人,魔鬼)面前承認自己與耶穌基督出死入生,承認自己是基督徒。另一個意義是加入教會,從今以後加入承擔基督徒的責任。

- 維基百科
這位仁兄聲稱只有外星人自己要求受洗的時候他才會這麼幹,當然,我們都知道,信仰基督教的黑人和印第安人也都是自己要求受洗的 - 沒這麼要求的哪裡去了?

這位在激情傳教的同時還繼承了“尊重宗教信仰自由... ...信仰俺們的宗教更自由”的優良傳統的傢伙叫蓋伊康索馬格諾(Guy Consolmagno),現年 57歲,是梵蒂岡的12位天文學家之一,自稱是科幻迷,不相信創造論,因此雖然不知道上帝住在宇宙的哪顆星球上,但他完全相信外星人的存在。
康索馬格諾是在英國伯明翰市舉行的英國科學節上表達自己的心願的,他同時還像所有認為“傳教自由不可侵犯”的前輩們一樣,稱靈魂(Soul)就是“有智慧,有自由意志(free will),追求愛(freedom to love),自主(freedom to make decision)“,總之一切都是免費 ... ...哦,自由的!”實際上任何實體都多少有點靈魂,“他這麼解釋自己的觀點,“所以,擁有智慧的外星人同樣擁有靈魂。”


梵蒂岡的 '路西弗' 望遠鏡






