


Young Women Nabbed In Bloody Satanic Sex Ritual
The Smoking Gun
Translation by Autumnson Blog
NOVEMBER 9--Two young Milwaukee women were arrested this week after an 18-year-old Arizona man--who traveled to Wisconsin by bus after meeting one of the suspects online--told cops that he was held captive in the duo’s apartment for two days and slashed and stabbed more than 300 times as part of an apparent satanic sex ritual.
11月9日 - 兩名年輕的密爾沃基女性這星期被拘捕,在一名 18歲的亞利桑那州男子 -- 在網上結識了其中之一名犯罪嫌疑人後,他乘巴士往威斯康星州 -- 告知警察他在兩人的寓所被關押為俘虜兩天,及被鞭打和被刺傷超過 300次,作為明顯是撒旦教性儀式的一部分後。
A Milwaukee Police Department search warrant for the East Knapp Street apartment where the man was held details his ordeal. The warrant authorized cops to seize an assortment of items from the residence, including “knives or other cutting instruments,” blood and DNA evidence, duct tape, restraining devices, and “Books or literature relating to Satanism or the occult.”
一封密爾沃基警察署為東納普街公寓 - 即該名男子被扣留的地方 - 的搜查令詳述他的苦難。手令授權警察去扣押居住地方的各類項目,包括“刀或其他切割工具、”血液和DNA證據、膠帶、抑制裝置,以及“與撒旦主義或神秘儀式有關的書籍或文獻。”

The police investigation began Sunday night after cops responded to a report of a possible stabbing. Officers found the Arizona man “bleeding from the neck, arms and back.” He told cops that after arriving at the home of a woman he met online, he “was bound and was stabbed numerous times over a timeframe of what he described as ‘two days.’”
The man was transported to a local hospital, where medical personnel “estimated the number of wounds to be in excess of 300,” according to a search warrant affidavit sworn by Detective Michael Walisiciwicz. “He suffered multiple puncture wounds as well as lacerations and slash wounds to his back, face, arms, legs and neck,” noted Walisiciwicz.
該名男子被運送到一家本地醫院,那裡的醫務人員“估計傷口的數量超過 300,”根據一封搜查令由探員邁克爾 Walisiciwicz作誓章宣誓的。 “他遭受多重刺穿傷口以及割破和鞭傷,向著他的背部、面部、手臂、腿部和頸部,”Walisiciwicz指出。
Officers responding to the reported stabbing discovered “bloody duct tape, which was fashioned in a manner that appeared to be a restraint, as well as a bloody length of rope” in the area where the victim was found.

A blood trail led police to Apartment 9 on the third floor of 918 East Knapp Street. Inside, cops spotted a “large amount of blood on the floor and on bedding in a bedroom.” They also saw “duct tape, which was fashioned in a manner that appeared to be a restraint.”

While at the apartment building, police were approached by Rebecca Chandler, 22, who stated, “I think you are here looking for me.” Chandler told cops that she had engaged in sexual relations with the Arizona man “and that the cutting was consensual but that it got quickly out of hand.”
Chandler claimed that her roommate--whom she identified only as “Scarlett”--was “the one who did the majority of the cutting” during the incident. Chandler, police reported, “also made reference to ‘Scarlett’ possibly being involved in satanic or occult activities.”
錢德勒聲稱她的室友 -- 她確定只是視她為“黑寡婦” -- 是在事件中“做出大部分切割的元凶”。警方稱,錢德勒“還提到'黑寡婦'可能涉及撒旦教或神秘儀式的活動。”
Chandler was placed in custody at the scene. During a subsequent search of the apartment, investigators seized copies of "The Necromantic Ritual Book” and "The Werewolf’s Guide to Life,” a humor book. The former book promises to enable a reader to “share consiousness with the Angel of Death.” Paperwork seized from the home was described by police as the “7 Pentacles” of planets. Additionally, a black folder was described as an “Intro to Sigilborne Spirtits,” an apparent reference to “The Sigil-Born,” metaphysical entities that are “occultic practitioners” of necromancy, the purported ability to contact the dead.

Cops subsequently identified “Scarlett” as Raven Larrabee, 20. She was arrested and booked yesterday into the Milwaukee County jail, where she is being held in lieu of $100,000 bond. Chandler is also in the county lockup, where her bond was set at $150,000. The women, who have not yet been charged by prosecutors, are being held for suspicion of reckless injury, a felony.
Chandler (left) and Larrabee are pictured in the above mug shots (click to enlarge).

Search warrant records do not indicate why the Arizona man traveled to Milwaukee (or what he expected to happen upon arrival). In a post earlier today on his Facebook wall, the man offered a one-word update: “stitches.” (4 pages)


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