


Hidden government papers expose lies about measles vaccines for infants

Tuesday, September 21, 2010
by: David Gutierrez, staff writer

(NaturalNews) British government policy on measles vaccination for children has changed for no discernible reason notes Christina England, writing on vactruth.com, citing an internal document from 1968.
(NaturalNews)英國政府政策對給兒童的麻疹疫苗接種已改變而沒有明顯的理由,克里斯蒂娜英格蘭註釋,寫在vactruth.com上,引用來自 1968年的內部文件。
The document, titled "Notes On the Use and Storage of Measles Vaccine (Live Attenuated) for Routine Vaccines," clearly states in Section 7 that the vaccine should not be given to children under the age of nine months old. According to the paper's authors, the presence of maternal antibodies in the blood of such children interferes with the action of the vaccine, making it ineffective. Instead, the government recommended vaccination at the age of two after vaccination for diptheria, polio, tetanus and whooping cough.
文件名為“麻疹疫苗(減毒活)給常規疫苗的使用和儲存註釋”,在第7條清楚指明,疫苗不應該給予年齡在9個月以下的小孩子。根據論文的作者,這些兒童血液中的母源抗體的存在,干擾疫苗的行動及使它無效。代之,政府建議疫苗接種在 2歲時,在接種白喉、小兒麻痺症、破傷風和百日咳後。
England contrasts this with the ongoing push for earlier measles vaccination, most recently highlighted with a study that found almost no maternal antibodies present in children's bodies by the age of six months.
She also draws attention to Section 6 of the government document, which acknowledges that "mild febrile reactions and transient rashes may be expected to follow the administration of the vaccine in a substantial proportion of cases" but that "the Committee on Safety of Drugs ... does not however, wish to receive reports of mild febrile reactions and rashes associated with the use of this vaccine."
她亦注意到政府文件的第6條,承認“輕微發熱反應和短暫的皮疹,可被預期在一個相當比例的個案,跟隨着疫苗的執行”,但那“藥品安全委員會... 不過不會想收到報告,使用這種疫苗有關的輕度發熱反應和皮疹。“
Section 8 then goes on to recommend that in order to reduce the risk of adverse effects, "an interval of three to four weeks should normally be allowed to elapse between the administration of measles vaccine and any other vaccine, whichever is given first."
第8條接著建議,為了降低副作用的風險,“一 3至4個星期的間隔期應正常地容許,以間隔麻疹疫苗和任何其它疫苗之間的執行,無論是那種先。”
Yet today, the vaccines for measles, mumps and rubella are given simultaneously, in the form of the MMR shot.
"How safe is the MMR vaccine?" England writes. "The drug company that makes the MMR vaccine publishes an extensive list of warnings, contraindications, and adverse reactions associated with this triple shot. ... Afflictions affecting nearly every body system -- blood, lymphatic, digestive, cardiovascular, immune, nervous, respiratory, and sensory -- have been reported."

Sources for this story include:http://vactruth.com/2010/05/20/government-papers-on-measles-vaccines-exposed/







英國和日本數據顯示 疫苗引發自閉症


