


DARPA Plans Bugbot ‘Olympics’ to Foster Breakthrough in Tiny Machines
JULY 19, 2018
Redesigning tiny motors and limbs could make microbots a reality.

Swarms of micro-robots have been a staple of science fiction since Stanisław Lem’s classic 1964 evolutionary tale The Invincible. The U.S. military has been studying “insect cyborgs”since 2006, but has struggled to build tiny machines that can do useful things without a power cord.  On Tuesday, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency launched a new effort to leapfrog the static state of micro-robot technology.

A new program called SHort-Range Independent Microrobotic Platforms, or SHRIMP, is looking to reward researchers who can overcome the big barrier to micro-robot fielding: creating strong motors that sip power. Called actuators, the electric motors that help robots move and bend are much less energy-efficient than their biological equivalents, which use electrochemical power. Researchers are slowly surmounting that obstacle for large robots, which can carry ever-more-efficient lithium-ion battery packs. But micro-robots aren’t big enough to carry the power supply they need to run their thirsty little legs and arms and do anything interesting, like navigate.

