


Previously Unidentified "Structures" Photographed on the Outside of our Sun
July 19, 2018
Using what scientists are describing as more sophisticated processing techniques of images, and longer exposures, new photos have been taken of our own Sun’s outer atmosphere, known as the corona. They’re painting a picture of fine details being discovered that haven’t been observed before on the Sun, with some sort of structures that have yet to be identified.
Sort of serving to promote one Parker Solar Probe, which is going to examine the Sun and report back to people what they find (hopefully with some verifiable evidence to back their observations), a study about these solar structures was recently published in The Astrophysical Journal.

A team from the Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) used what they call a COR-2 coronagraph instrument on a NASA piece of infrastructure, the Solar and Terrestrial Relations Observatory-A (STEREO-A) to take a look at the details of our Sun’s outer “atmosphere.”

The tool is designed to capture photos of the Sun’s atmosphere by using what they call an “occulting disc,” that is a disc positioned in front of the lens that serves to block out the Sun itself from the photo, just to capture the gaseous, “atmospheric” corona surrounding the body of the sun. This technique is reported to be able to block out the light that would overshadow the fine details in the Sun’s outer plasma. https://themindunleashed.com/2018/07/previously-unidentified-structures-photographed-on-the-outside-of-our-sun.html
