


New Experiment Will Test EmDrive That Breaks the Laws of Physics

If it works, we might one day be able to propel spacecraft without the need for any fuel.

June 6th 2019

Dream Machine

For nearly 20 years, scientists have debated the viability of an EmDrive, a hypothetical type of engine that could propel a spacecraft without the need for any fuel.
If that sounds too good to be true, that’s because it probably is — a working EmDrive would literally break one of the foundational laws of physics — but that hasn’t stopped scientists from top research organizations including NASA and DARPA from pursuing the tech, because the payoff would be so extraordinary.
Now, a team of German physicists is conducting a new EmDrive experiment — and this one could end the debate surrounding the controversial concept once and for all.

Thrust Bust

In 2001, British scientist Roger Shawyer proposed the idea of generating thrust by pumping microwaves into a conical chamber. They’d then bounce off the cone’s walls, exerting enough force to power spacecraft.”
The problem is that this would essentially be creating force out of nothing, which isn’t possible according to the law of conservation of momentum.
Still, a handful of researchers claim they’ve managed to generate some thrust in their EmDrive experiments — though the amount is so low that it’s thus far been hard to say whether the device was in fact generating the thrust or whether it was caused by some outside influence, such as the Earth’s magnetism or seismic vibrations.

Sensitivity Training

To clear up the controversy, the team from Technische Universität Dresden has built a super-sensitive instrument for measuring thrust that they believe to be immune to the outside interference plaguing other studies.
They plan to publish the latest results of their EmDrive experiments in the journal Acta Astronautica in August, according to a new Wired profile of their work, and lead research Martin Tajmar told the publication he thinks we might be just a few months away from finally putting the EmDrive debate to bed.


科幻引擎 EmDrive 真能讓人類 41 天上火星?德團隊測試結論:不可能

May 24, 2018

一架不需任何燃料還能高速航行的太空飛船吊足了科幻迷胃口,也因此,當美國太空總署以實驗數據指出科幻引擎 EmDrive 真在無燃料情況下產生推力時,立刻跌破眾人眼鏡:違反物理定律的裝置竟然成真了?現在,來自德國團隊的獨立測試表明,不,定律果然沒那麼容易推翻,當年發現的推力實際上只是某種電磁相互作用。

射頻共振空腔推進器(RF resonant cavity thruster)或稱相對性推進器,是一種具爭議的新型態推進裝置,最常見稱呼為「電磁驅動器」(EmDrive),原理為透過在椎體內發射微波並在密閉空間不斷反彈,進而產生輻射壓推力以推動椎體前進,完全不需要燃料。如果實驗成功,意味著從地球出發的火星之旅只需花費 41 天。

這項裝置最早由英國航空太空工程師 Roger Shawyer 發明,他在 2003 年實驗並聲稱推進器產生 16 毫牛頓推進力(但沒有論文);2010 年,中國團隊率先發表了測試 Emdrive 原型機結果的論文,正式將這項違反牛頓物理定律的科幻裝置拉入學術圈探討,他們用 2.5 千瓦電量產生 720 毫牛頓推進力,遠比 Roger Shawyer 的紀錄還好;但緊接著重複一次相同實驗後,並沒有得出同樣完美的結果,因此該團隊認為先前實驗有誤。

繼中國之後,美國太空總署(NASA)一個團隊於 2014 年 6 月,在美國航天航空學會(AIAA)第 50 屆聯合推進大會發表了 2013 年 2 台 Cannae Drive 的實驗數據,他們用 28 瓦電力產生了 30~50 微牛頓推力。

2016 年 11 月,NASA 鷹工廠實驗室發表論文,描述在接近真空環境測試 EmDrive 的結果,大家原本期待團隊「打臉」這項不科學的設施,沒想到實驗結論竟然是 EmDrive 消耗每千瓦功率能產生 1.2 毫牛頓推進力,一舉讓極具爭議性的 EmDrive 躍上檯面──EmDrive 不噴射任何燃料,違反了牛頓第三運動定律(作用力與反作用力),照理說沒有動力可以讓它加速前進。

現在看來,NASA 的實驗也「出包」了。德國德勒斯登工業大學太空工程研究所物理學家 Martin Tajmar 領導的團隊上週發表了獨立測試結果,分析「清楚」表明推力並非來自 EmDrive,而只是椎室內供電電線與地球磁場的某種電磁相互作用,EmDrive 並沒有完全屏蔽地球磁場影響的設備。這項初步結論獲得其他外部專家認同。


