

準備由非洲移民帶來的所有流行病之母的來臨 - Robert Griswold 和

準備由非洲移民帶來的所有流行病之母的來臨 - Robert Griswold 和 Dave Hodges (CSS)
Preparing for the Mother of All Pandemics-Robert Griswold and Dave Hodges- The CSS

June 17, 2019

I recently interviewed survival expert Robert Griswold of Ready Made Resources. Robert Griswold and I discussed the high number of Africans coming into the United States from areas where the Ebola outbreaks are out of control. He and I agree one one point, these Africans did not come to the southern border on their own. They were clearly transported and that is the only explanation given the logistics. This means that part of the immigration invasion has been weaponized. An outbreak is in America's future. A pandemic will be the result.

Robert Griswold, a strong Christian and I discussed how to prepare and how to adapt to a severe outbreak. Given the times that we are living in, this is a must-listen interview. Please share this with your contacts as Robert and myself are trying to save as many future lives as possible.

