

新世界秩序 猶太公會邀請70國家參加挪亞律法會議

New World Order
Sanhedrin Invites 70 Nations to Noahide Conference


Sanhedrin to Host Conference of 70 Nations to Take Place on Anniversary of Creation of the World: Nations Answer Call 

July 10, 2019

On September 26, the Sanhedrin will be hosting the first conference of the Organization of 70 Nations at which representatives of several nations will attend. The conference is to bring together all of the nations under the common belief in the sanctity of the Bible and the sanctity of all of mankind. The members of the organization agree to the sanctity of Jerusalem and the Temples, as well as the sanctity of God’s covenant established with all of mankind through Noah. Every nation and ethnic group who sees itself as part of humanity and therefore accepts responsibility to join in a universal covenant of brotherhood of peace is invited to take their place in this Organization of 70 Nations.”

The concept of 70 nations is taken directly from the Bible.

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