


HERE COMES EXO-VATICANA!? Scientists At Royal Society To Conduct Largest Survey Ever Of Public Attitudes Toward ALIENS In Order To Develop International “Welcoming” Protocols To Follow “The Day The Earth Stands Still”

July 11, 2019

Members of the UK Seti Research Network (UKSRN) are to launch what they believe will be the largest ever survey of public attitudes towards alien contact on Monday at the Royal Society’s summer science exhibition.

The views they gather will help them shape plans for an international protocol that sets the ground rules on how organisations should respond to aliens detection; what sense can be made of them; and how, if at all, humans might respond…


How should we respond to alien contact? Scientists ask the public

Scientists searching the universe for aliens to conduct survey of the public for views on first contact

 1 Jul 2019

Scientists wrestling with the delicate issue of how to respond should humanity ever be contacted by an alien civilisation have hit on a radical idea: a survey that asks what the public would do.
Members of the UK Seti Research Network (UKSRN) are to launch what they believe will be the largest ever survey of public attitudes towards alien contact on Monday at the Royal Society’s summer science exhibition.

The views they gather will help them shape plans for an international protocol that sets the ground rules on how organisations should share news of any signals that are detected; what sense can be made of them; and how, if at all, humans might reply.

“There is absolutely no procedure enshrined in international law on how to respond to a signal from an alien civilisation,” said Martin Dominik, an astronomer at the University of St Andrews. “We want to hear people’s views. The consequences affect more people than just scientists.”

Beyond sending probes to other planets in the solar system, the search for alien life has largely focused on listening for complex radio signals from outer space with the world’s most powerful telescopes. Last month, astronomers on the Breakthrough Listen project announced they had heard nothing after eavesdropping on more than 1,000 star systems within 160 light years of Earth.

But Dominik points out that with 300bn stars in the Milky Way alone, Breakthrough Listen has barely begun the mammoth task of scanning the cosmos for life elsewhere. “If there were tens of quintillions of other civilisations like ours evenly distributed in the Milky Way, the Breakthrough Listen project would not have heard a thing,” he said.

Dr John Elliott, a reader in intelligence engineering at Leeds Beckett University, said the global Seti community would announce any bona fide alien signal immediately. But in an era of social media that would spark a flood of fake news and conspiracy theories that leave people utterly confused about the truth, he said.

The problem is that while scientists might quickly realise that an intercepted signal was complex enough to be broadcast from an advanced civilisation, it might take weeks or months to understand, if it can be deciphered at all. Any signal could easily be electromagnetic noise from equipment or a snippet of a terrestrial broadcast that leaked into space, unintended for such distant ears.

“We can’t rely on there being a Rosetta stone [an ancient Egyptian stone tabletthat enabled hieroglyphs to be read], or some great decipherment crib, in the signal. It could be an image or simply junk,” Elliott said. “It will take time to understand and if that work starts to drag out and there is nothing new we can say, the information vacuum will be filled with speculation,” he said. “Conjecture and rumour will take over.”
The survey will help scientists work out how best to provide reliable information but also what should be done if it seems only polite to respond to an interstellar missive. The late Stephen Hawking warned that humans would do well not to alert alien civilisations to life on Earth, but other researchers disagree.
Later this year, an organisation called Messaging Extraterrestrial Intelligence (Meti) International plans to beam signals into space containing references to the periodic table of elements. They will not be the first attempts to contact ET. In 1974, scientists at the Arecibo telescope in Puerto Rico sent a radio message about life on Earth to a group of stars 25,000 light years away. Given how baffling the message will be to many humans in the 21st century, it is unclear what any recipient will infer from it.

“It makes sense to create a legally binding framework that is properly rooted in international law,” Dominik said. “I’m completely comfortable with taking the whole thing above the level of scientists. If there are public consequences of replying and sending out messages that is a political decision and not one to be taken by scientists.”


二月 15, 2016

撒迦利亞·西琴是宣傳外星種族在遠古時代前來地球協助人類發展文明的先驅。他的蘇美楔形文字譯本和阿努那奇創造人類的理論已經被翻譯成超過25種語言,而且在全世界一共賣出了數百萬本。 然而秘密太空計劃的告密者—柯里‧古德表示:西琴的譯本含有人為捏造的資訊!


...值得一提的是: Clive Prince和Lynne Picknett在2001年出版他們的著作:《星門陰謀》(The Stargate Conspiracy,) 。這本書列舉全世界的權貴們為了創造信奉外星創造者的新興宗教而推動的各種計劃。

其他的作家,例如Tom Horn和Chris Putnam也對這個理論做進一步的研究。他們在著作《Exovaticana》中揭露:羅馬天主教會正在推動一個耶穌會(方濟各教宗所屬的天主教支派) 暗中策劃的新興世界宗教。這個宗教會宣稱外星種族在人類的起源中扮演關鍵的角色。教宗也確實在2014年10月27日的文告中解釋外星活動和上帝計劃的關聯,進而朝這個方向邁出戲劇性的一步。

