

對Nibiru的新説法: 它是巨大暗紅色的並且不會撞入地球

對Nibiru的新説法: 它是巨大暗紅色的並且不會撞入地球

The size of Nibiru is the GREATEST that exists! And it’s behind the Sun NOW, RIGHT NOW! We have the essential SUNLIGHTS to survive.

That DARK GLOBE is Nibiru super huge! Size BEHIND the Sun NOW.  Some people say that Nibiru will returns and it is going to crash against the planet Earth, that's the biggest fat lie! That’s impossible!

No, I repeat it, Nibiru IS NOT BLOCKING the Sun NOW, that's impossible right now! NOT YET. That'll be very, very, very soon! On September. And Nibiru is BEHIND the Sun NOW those are the photos and videos that we see daily from all points of the planet Earth.

Everybody calls it:

Sun Halo, Halo around the Sun, Rare Sun Halo, Rare Multiple Sun Halos, Optical Phenomenon, Solar Halo, Magical Sun Halo, Halo Around the Sun, “Sun Dog”, 22 Degree Sun Halo, Rainbow Halo, Complex Solar Halo, Sun Live, Solar Halo and Parhelic Circle, Sun Halo Phenomenon Blue, Complex Sun Halo, Mesmerizing Sun, Impressive Sun Halo, Ring Around Sun, Circular Sun Halo, Sun Halo and Cirrus clouds, Solar Halo and Fire Rainbow, Circular Rainbow Sun Halo, StormPins Solar Halo, Natural Phenomenon.

Also, the ONLY ONE super immense Nibiru is not "red" or "blue",its color dark red, but WHEN it'll be covering the Sun very, very, very soon, At least! The Sun reflections, with the darkness of Nibiru,WHEN Nibiru will be covering the Sun, the Sunlight will be dark red, its dark red light(because the Sun will be totally covers for Nibiru) will be reflected on the moon, that's WHY you will see the "dark red color" and here on planet Earth as well, in all this fallen, degenerated universe, damaged by "Satan and Co." since his fall.

Like one of the Great Prophets Joel said:

Joel 2:31

"31 The sun, it will become darkness, and the moon in blood, before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD."
日 頭 要 變 為 黑 暗 、 月 亮 要 變 為 血 、 這 都 在 耶 和 華 大 而 可 畏 的 日 子 未 到 以 前 。

This is how it is written in all the books of the Holy Bible: The Word of the Heavenly Father Yahweh / Jehovah / Jesus Christ.

When the time comes, and that’ll be very, very, very soon! At last! I repeat it one more time, Nibiru WILL COME OUT OF BEING HIDDEN BEHIND THE SUN, it’ll be color dark red, “THE MOON WILL BE RED” AND THE Sun won’t give its light, because
Nibiru will only covers it, to the Sun, THAT’S ALL, and FOR A WEEK, like the Book of Revelation says. And Nibiru is 5 times the size of the Sun. THAT’S ALL.


Revelation 6:12 King James Version (KJV)

“12 And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun
became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood;”
揭 開 第 六 印 的 時 候 、 我 又 看 見 地 大 震 動 . 日 頭 變 黑 像 毛 布 、 滿 月 變 紅 像 血 .


And “IMMEDIATELY” Nibiru will start to cover the Sun FOR A WEEK.

But IT’LL HAPPENS Moments AFTER,"”” IMMEDIATELY “”" as the Apostle Matthew 24:29 said it.

Matthew 24:29 King James Version (KJV)

Immediately after the tribulation of those days

“29 Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken:”
那 些 日 子 的 災 難 一 過 去 、 日 頭 就 變 黑 了 、 月 亮 也 不 放 光 、 眾 星 要 從 天 上 墜 落 、 天 勢 都 要 震 動 。

"I had to say it and I said it" MCMP.

Marilyn Maury’ picture


Other shots today:

Nibiru is coming but it won't crash in the Earth, many of its accompanying astroids and meteors will though. Then there's the no little matter of the Pole shift.
Interesting times we are living in.
