

電動汽車在 1917 年的充電被拍下,我們是如何失去這項技術的!?然後在 100 年後又重新發明它

 電動汽車在 1917 年的充電被拍下,我們是如何失去這項技術的!?然後在 100 年後又重新發明它

在1917 年時電動汽車發展突飛猛進因而盛行,愛迪生的通用電氣為電動汽車充電

從新車型的推出到電池技術的突破,再到時尚的新型電動汽車充電器觸手可及, 現代的充電配套設施也未有如此普及

更難以置信的是,那一年美國有 38% 的汽車是電動的; 40% 是蒸汽動力,只有 22% 使用汽油


In 1917, electric vehicles reigned, and Edison charged them

General Electric

The sudden rush of electric vehicle (or “EV”) developments — from new models being introduced, to breakthroughs in battery technology, to sleek new EV chargers — makes what seems like futuristic technology suddenly within reach of everyday drivers. But the truth is that today’s EV headlines could be ripped from a newspaper in 1917.

It’s hard to believe, but 38 percent of vehicles in the U.S. were electric in that year; 40 percent were steam powered and only 22 percent used gasoline. There was even a fleet of electric taxis in New York City.


