

德州法庭裁決FB 未能針對青少年性販賣作出保護,為科技公司被用於犯罪活動時要承擔責任開路


砰!砰! 👀大快人心

德州法庭裁決FB 未能針對青少年性販賣作出保護,為科技公司被用於犯罪活動時要承擔責任開路

Facebook failed to protect against teen sex trafficking, court rules, paving the way for tech companies to be held liable when they're used for criminal activity

June 26, 2012

The Texas Supreme Court ruled Friday that Facebook can be held liable for “sex traffickers” that use its platform to recruit and prey on child victims. 

德州最高法院週五裁定,Facebook 可以為利用其平台作招聘和捕食兒童受害者的“性販賣者”負責

The Texas Supreme Court ruled that Facebook can be held liable for sex trafficking recruitment.

德州最高法院裁定 Facebook 可以對性販賣招聘負上責任

Facebook argued that it should not be held liable because it is shielded by Section 230.

Facebook 辯稱它不應承擔責任,因為它受到第 230 條的保護

A recent report found most online recruitment in active sex trafficking cases in 2020 was on Facebook.

最近的一份報告發現,2020 年大多數網上活躍的性販賣案件中的招聘都是在 Facebook 上進行的

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