

GWEN - 地波應急網絡與 HAARP 協同用以製造人為天氣和“自然”災害


Ground Wave Emergency Network works on a VLF or Very Low Frequency.  GWEN is believed to be used in tandem with HAARP to create man-made weather, and “natural” disasters.   This system was to be completed by 1993, so it has been around for quite awhile. We can really only speculate what effects this will produce in the long(er) run.

地波應急網絡在 VLF 或非常低頻上運作; GWEN 被認為與 HAARP 協同用以製造人為天氣和“自然”災害。 這系統完成於 1993 年,所以它已經存在了一段時間。 我們真的只能猜測這從長期來看會產生什麼影響。

We are being told that this system has been replaced in 1999 with satellites called Milstar SCAMP terminals and that the GWEN towers are no longer functioning.  Ummmm, not sure I believe our government scrapped that project using VLF and replaced it with satellites.  If you think so, please explain that to me.

我們正被告知這系統已於 1999 年被稱為 Milstar SCAMP 終端的衛星取代,而GWEN 塔不再發揮功能了。 唔,不確定我相信我們的政府廢棄了使用非常低頻的項目並且以衛星取而代之。 如果你這麼認為是,請給我解釋一下。

Most of the GWEN towers are sold to us as “cell phone” towers. 

大多數 GWEN 塔都作為“手機”塔售給我們。

They don’t look like they would be too difficult to dismantle if say the project was actually scrapped.  I see these things all over the place, don’t you?


Here’s a little diagram to show you a little more information about GWEN towers.

這裡一張小圖向你展示有關 GWEN 塔的更多資料。

I encourage you to educate yourself on this topic and let me know if you think our government is still covertly using GWEN towers.

我鼓勵你就這個題目進行自我教育,及如果你認為我們的政府仍在秘密使用 GWEN 塔,請告訴我。

