


EU Leader To Dissenter: “How Dare You Say I Was Not Elected, I Was Elected By The Commission In Secret”

Farage attacks Barroso over politically explosive EU direct tax

Steve Watson
Wednesday, Oct 20th, 2010
Translation by Autukmnson Blog
In democratic politics there is a distinct difference between selection and election. However, according to European Commission President, José Barroso, the two are interchangeable.
Barroso tore into British member of European Parliament Nigel Farage today, after the UK Independence Party member accused Barroso of using illegitimate powers to implement a direct tax on all EU citizens.
巴羅佐今天猛攻歐洲議會的英國成員奈傑爾 Farage,在英國獨立黨的成員指控巴羅佐使用非法權力,去實行一項直接稅在所有歐盟國家公民身上後。
“Well Mr Barroso, you’re certainly flexing your muscles, using the powers given to you by the Lisbon Treaty, which you pushed through using illegitimate means.” Farage said in a speech before the EC.
“You now do everything you can on the world stage and within the EU to acquire all the attributes of statehood.” he added.
“No where could that be more apparent than in your recent proposal for a direct tax to be levied by the European institutions on the peoples of this continent.”
As we highlighted yesterday, the EC has laid out no less than eight different forms of direct taxation that it wants to impose on citizens of all 27 member states, despite the fact that the majority of people in all of these countries would rather their governments cease all financial commitments to the EU entirely.
Not content with national governments from every member country already sending taxpayer money to the bloated, anti-democratic EU bureaucracy, globalists in Brussels are now desperate to sink their teeth in further, in an effort to increase their budget by 6 per cent even in the midst of a national debt crisis which affects the majority of European nations.

Fully aware of the fact that a direct EU tax will cause a huge backlash and potentially mass civil disobedience amongst those forced to pay it, EU bureaucrats….have advised officials to avoid using the word “tax” because it would be “politically explosive”, an RTE report notes.

“Of course in previous times there was a very successful independence movement that campaigned on the slogan of no taxation without representation.” Farage continued during his speech. “And you certainly sir are not a representative – we have not voted for you and we cannot remove you.” he charged.

A clearly infuriated Barroso then only made Farage’s case stronger by reminding him that he was not elected by the people, but rather chosen to head the EC in a “secret” parliament vote.

“I usually do not intervene, but there is a point of order that I want to make. It is not the first time that Mr Farage, addressing to myself says ‘you have not been elected’. certainly I have not been elected by you, but I have been elected by this parliament. I have been elected in a secret vote by this parliament, and you belong to this parliament.” Barroso said, attempting to validate his position, but only verifying Farage’s initial charge in the eyes of onlookers.

It seems that Barroso genuinely believes that being selected in secret by an elite few to head up a parliament constitutes being elected by the people of the countries he now wants to see directly taxed by the EU.

“I consider it, always saying that myself or the Commission have not been elected is a lack of respect to the Commission and to the parliament to which you belong.” Barroso snapped at Farage as if he was addressing a naughty school boy.

This shows a incredible level of arrogance in the face of the basic facts that the Lisbon Treaty was never put to a referendum in almost all EU countries and that those now using it to act in the manner of a federal state were not elected to their positions and cannot be held accountable by European citizens.

Farage further noted ” I do see a ray of hope”, referring to a proposal to revise the Lisbon Treaty, which could pave the way for a public referendum.

“The Deauville deal, between Merkel and Sarkozy, the thing that you’re all so terrified of today, I hope it happens. Lets have a new Treaty, and lets put it to a referendum.” Farage urged.

Watch the video:

Farage: No Taxation Without Representation



British payments to EU set to rise £900m next year
The European Parliament voted through a budget rise yesterday that will cost Britain an extra £900 million next year – on the day George Osborne announced deep cuts to public spending.
歐洲議會昨日投票通過一項預算上升,將於明年取去英國額外的九億英鎊 - 喬治奧斯本於當日宣布大幅度削減公共開支。
By Bruno Waterfield in Brussels
Published: 7:38PM BST 20 Oct 2010
Translation by Autumnson Blog
The proposals will extend maternity leave to 20 weeks on full pay Photo: AP
這些建議將使產假延長到全薪的20週 照片:美聯社

A £6.5 billion EU budget rise that would increase EU spending by six per cent to £114.5 billion – of which £9.2 billion would be the British contribution – was voted through by MEPs in Strasbourg.

The increase, which Britain has so far failed to block, will cost the British taxpayer an extra £884 million and is a sum equivalent to the costs of employing an additional 14,000 NHS doctors, 29,000 nurses, 34,000 police constables or 52,000 Army privates.

David Cameron was questioned over the "obscene" Strasbourg vote by back-bench Conservative MPs during Prime Minister's Questions and pledged to oppose the increase during negotiations in Brussels next month.

"We need to make sure that Europe starts to live within its means," he said. "We've called for a cash freeze in the size of the EU budget for 2011 and we're working hard to make this case across Europe."

Included in the EU assembly's budget demands is a staffing increase of 388 posts to swell the ranks of the 6,166 civil servants who assist the work of 736 MEPs.

On top of that, cash is also set aside for an additional £32,000 a year towards new MEP assistants or pay rises for existing researchers who can earn up to £80,000 a year. More than 50 assistants or researchers are already paid between £68,000 and £80,000 a year – more than the salary paid to Westminster MPs.

Despite the creation of a new EU diplomatic service, at a cost of £399 million next year, the parliament is also planning to open new offices in New York, Beijing and Moscow, replicating existing European representations and missions.

As MEPs agreed to increase their staff and to open new offices around the world, Mr Osborne's announcement is expected to lead to the cutting of 500,000 public sector jobs.

Daniel Hannan, the Conservative MEP for South-east England, attacked his colleagues for voting through budget increases that would undermine attempts by national governments to cut public spending.

"This vote shows how utterly divorced MEPs are from reality and how far the European parliament is from a representative body," he said. "There is not a country in Europe that is not going through cuts but we have a situation where the EU is sucking up the savings."

MEPs also voted to double the parliament's budget for champagne receptions, increased spending on their courtesy limousines and maintained £8 million in funding for Europarl television, despite refusing to release the channel's viewing figures, thought to be in the hundreds.

Marta Andreassen, a Ukip MEP and member of the parliament's budget committee, said: "European taxpayers will rightly feel that they have been mugged by their own elected representatives."

But Sidonia Jedrzejewska, a Polish centre-Right MEP, who drew up the parliament's budget demand, insisted that she had shown restraint by not asking for even more.

"The European Parliament has demonstrated much self discipline," she said. "The budget of the EU is not similar to a national budget. It is oriented towards investment and is a tool for fighting the crisis."

Jerzy Buzek, the parliament's president, said: "Cuts cannot be simply populist measures limiting many possibilities, for example for education, training or research."

(商台)2010年10月20日 星期三 20:07
英國 政府為削減龐大的赤字,推出戰後規模最大的財政緊縮政策,財相歐思邦在國會公布措施內容,包括在直至2015年的四年內,削減830億英鎊公共開支,意味將裁減五十萬份公共事業職位,亦會大幅降低福利。 英國在去年底財政赤字達到1560億英鎊,倫敦 政府透過開源節流方式,紓緩財赤,除了大幅壓縮公共開支,亦會加稅; 歐思邦說,要令債務這艘超級油輪轉向,需要一段時間,但他期望到2015年可達至財政平衡。



邪惡之地 - 歐盟議會
