The Most Powerful Woman in the World
Rebel News Editorial
October 8, 2010
Translation by Autumnson Blog
Forbes magazine can always be relied on for a good laugh. In their latest edition they are telling us that Michelle Obama was the most powerful woman in the world. Hilarious! Implied in Forbes' choice is the long debunked myth that a U.S. president was a powerful man. Sure, Obama is nominally the head of state of the biggest and most heavily armed economy, but that doesn't give him any real power. Nobody becomes U.S. president without prostituting himself to the crime dynasties that run this planet. And - as the examples of Kennedy and Nixon show - nobody stays U.S. president, without religiously adhering to the script provided to him.
福布斯雜誌在給你一個好笑話時總會是可靠的;在最新的一期,它們告訴我們米歇爾奧巴馬是世界上最有力的女人,極可笑!隱含在福布斯的選擇是那長期被踢爆的神話,即一個美國總統是一個強有力的人。當然,奧巴馬名義上是最大和最武裝的經濟的國家元首,但那並沒有給他任何實權。沒有人會成為美國總統而沒有賣淫自己給經營這個星球的犯罪皇朝,和 - 肯尼迪和尼克遜表演作為例子 - 沒有人會繼續做美國總統,而沒有虔誠地遵守提供給他的劇本。
No, if Forbes was serious about finding the most powerful woman in the world, they wouldn't have looked for her in America, but in England. Try the world's richest woman and biggest landowner, commander of the armed forces, head of church, head of state, unrestrained by constitution, let alone constitutional court. How more powerful does it get?

The professional liars in British academia, media and politics are trying to sell us the hoax that the Queen of England was only a ceremonial head of state and that the real power lied with parliament and Prime Minister. Mind you, even the Prime Minister himself humbly admits that he is only 'her Majesty's faithful servant' and it's the Queen who appoints and dismisses him at her sole discretion. Anybody who believes that these were just empty phrases rather than powerful symbols is sadly mistaken. All that nonsense about tradition is just a smokescreen. The only thing that restrains the Queen is public opinion. And who controls public opinion? The media. Who controls the media? The big banks. Who controls the big banks? The ruling elite. Who heads the ruling elite? Bingo!!!
The only reason why the 300 odd intermarried crime dynasties that own and control this planet are bothering to maintain the democracy hoax is because it makes it easier for them to exploit us. They know from centuries of experience that the most productive slaves are those who don't realise that they are slaves. Fortunately, the Internet is rapidly changing that. More and more people are awakening to the fact that the world as we know it is just a big fat lie. In that sense, the Internet has proven to be a two-sided sword. On the one hand it gives our parasitic crime families unrestricted access to personal information via NSA backdoors to our personal computers, facebook accounts, google history etc. On the other hand it provides all of us with unprecedented knowledge of their antiques.
Given the fact that our self-chosen rulers have a policy of employing some of the brightest people that walk this planet, I'd be surprised if they had not foreseen the awakening resulting from the Internet. They probably think that it doesn't matter. Most people only care about their career and their share of the loot. They are happy with the privileges their complicity provides. Crime pays. They refuse to look behind the smoke and mirrors, because they are afraid of facing the truth. It's not just the cognitive dissonance they are trying to avoid, being confronted with their own share of guilt. It's the fear of committing career and social suicide by being suspected of harbouring doubts in the official version of the truth.
My message to all those mild-mannered monsters and soft-spoken psychopaths that run this planet is this: We know who you are and one day we will get you. There are plenty of lamp posts out there, and I know just the one that is right for you.
美國Forbes最具影響力女性:No.1米歇爾!No.7 Lady GaGa!
2010/10/8 21:46
(蘋果日報/路透社)美國財經雜誌《福布斯》( Forbes)前天(周三)公佈年度全球最具影響力女性榜,結果由美國第一夫人米歇爾( Michelle Obama)擊敗眾多女權貴和名人,首度榮登榜首。《福布斯》今年修改評選標準,不再側重候選人的財富和權力,改為看重她們的創意影響力和企業家能力。米歇爾排名由去年的第 40位,飆升至今年榜首。評審認為,她以個人風格履行第一夫人職務,既有魅力,又深受愛戴,獲民主黨邀請到關鍵州分呼籲籌款。她還發起關注兒童癡肥問題的活動,令可口可樂和家樂氏等公司同意減低產品的熱量,盡顯她的影響力。屈居亞軍的女性,是成功敵意收購吉百利朱古力的卡夫食品行政總裁羅森菲爾德( Irene Rosenfeld)。至於過去四年都高踞榜首的德國總理默克爾( Angela Merkel),因受到國內經濟問題困擾,今年排名滑落第四位。24歲樂壇出位天后 Lady Gaga,排名第七,是榜上 100名女性中最年輕的一個。 其餘排名
6)百事公司行政總裁努伊( Indra K. Nooyi)
8)澳洲 Westpac銀行總裁凱莉( Gail Kelly)
9)美國歌手 Beyonce Knowles
10)美國清談節目主持艾倫狄格納絲( Ellen DeGeneres)
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