US firefighters watch home burn down
Tue Oct 5, 2010 6:59PM
translation by Autumnson Blog

Firefighters have eventually arrived at the scene of a fire in the State of Tennessee after numerous pleas by the fire victim, only to watch the house burn down to the ground.
The Cranicks, residents of a rural area in Tennessee, made numerous calls to the fire department, expressing fear that burning trash near their home was growing out of control.
The fire department initially refused to respond to the call and when the operators finally arrived at the scene they merely stood and watched the home burn in flames.
The fire department reportedly refused to put out the fire as the residents had not paid a USD 75 fire fighting service charges to the department in the nearby city of South Fulton.
The fire fighting officials only responded when the fire was beginning to threaten the property of a neighbor who had paid the 'firefighting' fee.
Public uproar has mounted over the issue and many are questioning the effectiveness of a governmental public safety entity which allows people's homes to burn down over financial compensation.
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