


Ten Lies about the Smolensk Crash
December 8, 2011
by our Polish Correspondent
Translation by Autumnson Blog

The plane managed to make an emergency landing in the mud. The strength of the bomb explosion tore it into pieces and killed some passengers. The ones who survived were murdered with firearms.

飛機墜毀第一記錄 英文字幕 斯摩棱斯克

The horrifying story of Polish government murdered in a plane crash in Smolensk has been surrounded by lies from the second it happened, and probably even before.
In the case of Polish President's Plane crash in Smolensk, the perpetrators did not expect that the truth would come to light so quickly. They made too many mistakes. The short video, seen worldwide, is real. I do not care what the experts say. When I saw it for the first time, the deepest impression of incredible evil happening in this gloomy place was overwhelming. I do not need any experts to translate the Polish words spoken by the culprits.
I can understand my native language easily. There are Polish people shouting Polish words in authoritative and angry tone: "Calm down! Look into my eyes! Change of plans!"
And I can clearly hear gunshots, somebody is being shot there. Is that a Polish president, who survived the crash? Is that any other VIP who should be kept quiet for ever? We will never know the truth, because people whom we should trust do not want us to know it.

The 10 official lies according to Leszek Szymowski, the former journalist of the weekly „Wprost" and TVP, the author of the controversial book titled: "Zamach w Smoleńsku," (Assasination in Smoleńsk)
根據“Wprost”和TVP周刊的前記者Leszek Szymowski的十項官方謊言,他是爭議性的書標題為“Zamach瓦特Smoleńsku”(在斯摩棱斯克的刺殺)的作者。

1.The President's Tupolev airplane flew to Smolensk registered as an international flight. It's a lie: The plane was the governmental TU 154M, and the flight to Smolensk was registered as the military flight.
1. 總統圖波列夫飛往斯摩棱斯克的飛機被註冊為國際航班;是一個謊言:該飛機是政府的TU 154M,往斯摩棱斯克的航班被註冊為軍事飛行。
2.The crew of the plane was inexperienced and made fundamental mistakes. Ignoring orders of the air controllers and making an attempt to land. It's a lie: Pilots were professionally trained and had great experience, and the controller gave them permission to land.
2. 飛機的機員是缺乏經驗和做出根本性的錯誤,忽視空中控制員的命令並在試圖著陸;是一個謊言:飛行員受過專業訓練並有豐富的經驗,而控制員給他們著陸的權限。
3. At 8:41 am, after collision with a birch tree, the plane turned to its back and hit the ground. Power of the load factor killed all passengers. Nobody survived. It's a lie: Tupolev cut trees down, but to some point damaged, managed to make emergency landing in the mud. O8: 39 the strength of the bomb explosion tore it into pieces and killed some passengers. The ones, who survived, were murdered with firearms.
3. 在8:41am,與一株樺樹碰撞後,飛機轉向它的後面並砸在地上,負荷因子的電力殺害所有乘客,沒有人倖存;是一個謊言:圖波列夫將樹砍了下來,但略有損壞,設法在泥濘中作緊急降落。 O8:39am 炸彈爆炸的力量將它撕碎及殺害了一些乘客,倖存的那些被槍支所謀殺。
4. The video shot on the spot with a mobile phone by Wołodia Safonienko does not make any difference, and the sounds registered there, come from the explosion of the ammunition of Government Protection Bureau officers. It's a lie: Wołodia Safonienko didn't shoot this film. The sounds of the shots came from firearms, and the film is the evidence that passengers who survived, were murdered.
4. 由Wołodia Safonienko用手機拍於現場的視頻沒有任何差別,及在那裡記錄的聲音來自政府保護局人員的彈藥爆炸。是一個謊言:Wołodia Safonienko沒拍這段影片,發射的聲音來自槍械,和電影就是乘客活下來被謀殺的證據。
5.The investigation from the very beginning was conducted altogether by Poland and Russia, the cooperation was superb and it was led according to the highest standards. It's a lie: the Tusk government let the Russians carry the investigation and the Polish prosecutor's office could hardly say anything. From the very beginning the Russians did monkey business.
5. 從一開始就進行的調查完全由波蘭和俄羅斯一起進行,合作是一流及它是根據最高標準導向;是一個謊言:圖斯克政府讓俄羅斯人進行調查,和波蘭檢察官的辦公室很難發聲,從一開始俄羅斯人就做猴子戲。
6.From the very first second, the families of the victims were provided with legal and psychological aid and could participate in all activities. All bodies of the victims were identified and transported to Poland.
It's a lie: families of victims have been humiliated from the beginning and had difficulties to get access to the investigative materials. The coffins brought to Poland were soldered and the families were not permitted to open them.
6. 從非常的第一秒,受害者的家屬被提供了法律和心理援助,並能參加所有活動。所有受害者的屍體被辨明並運往波蘭。是一個謊言:從一開始遇難者家屬就被羞辱,及有困難獲得調查的材料。被帶到波蘭的靈柩都被焊接和家屬不被允許打開它們。
7.Polish and Russian investigators, bearing in mind importance of the case, diligently informed the public about the progress in the investigation and about the most important arrangements. It's a lie. From the very first second after the crash, it has been a well organised disinformation action. Both Polish and Russian investigators lied. The Russian MAK Comitee and both governments lied as well.
7. 波蘭和俄羅斯的調查人員,心中記住案件的重要性,努力通知公眾有關調查的進展情況,和有關的最重要安排;是一個謊言:從墜毁後的非常第一秒,它一直是一項組織良好的造謠行動,波蘭和俄羅斯調查人員兩方面都撒謊,俄羅斯的MAK委員會和兩國政府亦都說謊。
8.Russian Security Services didn't have the slightest interest in killing Lech Kaczyński, because in a few months he would stop being a president and would walk away into the political oblivion. It's a lie: Lech Kaczyński could win elections again. He acted against the politics of Russian imperialism, he tried to get Georgia into NATO. He reinforced the independence of Poland, contributed to dissolution of WSI (Poland's former Military Intelligence Services) and opposed the disadvantageous regulations of the gas agreement with Russia.
8. 俄羅斯安全服務並沒有絲毫興趣殺害卡欽斯基,因為幾個月後他就會停作總統及走進政治遺忘;是一個謊言:萊赫卡欽斯基可能再次贏得選舉,他反對俄羅斯帝國主義的政治,他試圖讓格魯吉亞加入北約,他加強波蘭的獨立性,促成WSI的解體(波蘭的前軍事情報機構),並反對與俄羅斯的天然氣協議的不利法規。
9.After the death of President Kaczyński, relations with Russia have been normalized, and relationships between both states have became eventually correct . It's a lie. Polish foreign policy turned into prorussian direction, and the servility of the government and the president Komorowski towards Russia have reached inconceivable scale.
9. 卡欽斯基總統去世後,與俄羅斯的關係已被正常化,及兩國之間的關係最終已變得正確;是一個謊言:波蘭的外交政策變成親俄羅斯方向,及政府的奴性和科莫羅夫斯基總統投向俄羅斯已達到不可思議的規模。
10.The death of Lech Kaczyński was a result of the disaster being an effect of many ill-fated circumstances. It's a lie: Lech Kaczyński was murdered.
10. 卡欽斯基的去世是一場災難的結果,作為許多噩運糾纏情況下的結果;這是一個謊言:卡欽斯基是被謀殺的。
As I said before, the list of lies is endless, but there is no room here to write about them all. The best conclusion I read about what happened on 10.04.2010 was written by an anonymous blogger. Who does not believe it, must have eyes but cannot see and have ears but cannot hear.
"There is much more hidden behind this cruel, sinister and arrogant coup (d'état), something much more than only a murder of the most important 96 people in the country, including the president.
For it was a violent assault on our country, on our economic freedom which we lost (they plundered and sold off as many as 8400 workplaces and factories). It was an assault on our independence (we were slapped in the face as it happened on the anniversary of Katyn slaughter).

The country is being denationalized;f our million people are forced to work in UK and other EU countries, having no other way to survive economically. Eleven million live in poverty and slavery. It's about the IV partition of Poland, which is just taking place (for 22 years we have been watching the distinct collaboration of traitors with invaders).

Can't you see that? This assault was the final nail in the coffin, and we all, as the whole nation are placed in it."


電視直播的新聞發布會上 波蘭墜機調查人員自殺
