


The BBC: less trustworthy, more dangerous than a cannibal polar bear
By James Delingpole
The Telegraph
Last updated: December 8th, 2011
Translation by Autumnson Blog
See! Global Warming is REAL! (Photo: Reuters)
看!全球變暖是真的! (圖片:路透社)

Today's endangered polar bear story du jour comes, you won't be at all surprised to hear, from the BBC's news website. An "environmental photojournalist" named Jenny E Ross took a photograph of a polar bear eating a cub – and concluded, as of course any self-respecting environmental photojournalist would, that this was probably the result of "climate change".
今天瀕臨滅絕的北極熊的故事是日到來,你全不會驚訝地聽到,來自 BBC的新聞網站。 “環境攝影記者”名為珍妮羅斯拍了一張極地熊吃幼崽的照片 - 並結論了,當然正如任何自重的環境攝影記者會這樣做,這可能是“氣候變化”的結果。
"This type of intraspecific predation has always occurred to some extent," she told BBC News.
"However, there are increasing numbers of observations of it occurring, particularly on land where polar bears are trapped ashore, completely food-deprived for extended periods of time due to the loss of sea ice as a result of climate change."
Don't you just love that having-it-both-ways fudge? On the one hand, she concedes that polar bears have been doing this kind of thing since time immemorial. On the other, for all that, it's just gotta be climate change hasn't it – because, well, isn't just about everything the result of climate change these days?
你不剛是愛那怎說也對的誑語嗎?一方面她承認自古以來北極熊一直在做這種事情,另一方面對於這一切,只得是氣候變化,不是嗎 - 因為,嗯,這些日子氣候變化的結果不就剛是一切事情嗎?
Certainly is if you work for the BBC as we were reminded yet again last night on the final episode of Frozen Planet. This was the episode so tendentious that it wasn't even included in the package sent for broadcast in the US. But apparently here in Britain we've been simply too naughty to deserve such a let-off. No, like POWs captured at the Imjin River, we have to sit there and be indoctrinated by the Commissars at our Re-education camp.
如果你為 BBC工作那就當然是的,正如昨晚我們再次被提醒在最後一集的冰凍地球。這就是那麼傾向性的一集,它甚至不被包括在發送給美國廣播的套裝內。但顯然地在英國這裡我們一值僅是太調皮,所以值得這樣一個寬恕。不,像在臨津江捕獲的戰俘,我們要坐在那裡,並被勞教所的政委教導我們。
What's particularly depressing is that the Chief Re-education Commissar in this case was none other than David Attenborough. Cosy, nice, whispery, reverend, sensitive, super-dooper, brother of Dickie, gorilla-hugging doyen of all that was ever wonderful about the BBC David Attenborough.
Depressing and also dangerous – for when a man of Attenborough's stature, popularity and apparent reasonableness trots out a line on television many of his audience will be inclined to believe him, regardless of whether what he's saying is gospel truth or nonsense on stilts. And in the case of last night's Frozen Planet it was mostly the latter.
既令人沮喪亦危險的 - 因為當有阿滕伯勒地位、受歡迎和表面合理的一個人,在電視上炫耀地出示一段台詞,他許多的觀眾將傾向於相信他,不管他說的是福音的真理或踩著高蹺的胡言亂語。而在昨晚的冰凍地球的例子,它多是後者。
Though Attenborough was rarely explicit about anthropogenic influences on the "climate change" he kept lamenting, he didn't need to be. For one thing, in the interviews he has given to promote the programme, he has made it abundantly clear that he is a fully paid up member of the Great Green Religion of ManPolarBearPig. For another, the debate has long since been framed in such a way by environmental propagandists that the anthropogenic connection doesn't need to be stated any more. Merely to show a melting glacier or a lonely polar bear, is more than enough these days. It's shorthand for: "And it's all your fault, you bastard, for your selfishness, your greed and your persistent habit of taking holidays on Ryanair and EasyJet when really the only people who should be allowed to use aircraft ever again are Al Gore, Prince Charles, COP17 delegates, and members of the BBC or the British Antarctic Survey racking up the carbon airmiles in order to show just how dangerous carbon is."

Which brings us to thing I've been dying to write about for two weeks: Christopher Booker's magisterial report for the Global Warming Policy Foundation on the BBC's role in promulgating the Great Man Made Global Warming Myth. It's brilliant.

So brilliant that I'm going to have to run its damning conclusion at considerable length. Here he is, summing up what he calls the BBC's "three betrayals":

The first was the BBC’s betrayal of its statutory obligation to report on the world with ‘impartially’. In its own mind it got round this by creating its own definition of the meaning of the word. The IPCC, the scientific and political establishments, Al Gore, the developers of wind turbines and heaven knows who else were all so unanimously convinced that man-made global warming was an unchallengeable fact that the BBC decreed that these were the only people who should be listened to. Anyone who dissented from this orthodoxy could be ignored as belonging to just a tiny minority of cranks, or venally corrupted hirelings of Big Oil, whose views it would be improper for the BBC to publicise.

The problem was that, outside the ‘bubble’, all sorts of things were beginning to contradict this cosy scenario. Ever more serious scientists were beginning to question the orthodox theory of what was influencing the world’s climate. It emerged ever more clearly that the projections made by over-simplistic computer models no longer matched up with the observed evidence of what was actually happening to the climate. Ever more evidence came to light to suggest that the IPCC was not the unimpeachably objective and honest scientific body it was claimed to be.

It was all this which helped to illuminate the extent of the second ‘betrayal’ in the BBC’s coverage of the story, the way it betrayed the principles of professional journalism. So committed to the cause were its journalists that, when important questions began to be raised as to whether the story was really as unarguable as it was claimed to be, their only real response was simply to dig in their toes to defend it. They could no longer step outside the ‘bubble’, as independent-minded journalists should have been able to do, to consider all these questions in their own right. They could only stay within the mindset they knew, talking only to those within the orthodoxy who could provide them with the answers they needed to fend off all these tiresome ‘deniers’ appearing from outside the ‘bubble’ to ask awkward questions – such as how genuinely scientific were the methods used to create the ‘hockey stick’ graph?

One of the impressions it is hard to avoid in reviewing the BBC’s coverage of this story is that its journalists, and those shadowy figures behind them in the BBC hierarchy, are not particularly well-informed about many of the issues they report on. This point was made as long ago as 2006 by the journalist Richard D. North, when he described his experience in attending that day-long seminar organised by Roger Harrabin, As North observed:

I was frankly appalled by the level of ignorance of the issue which the BBC people showed …I heard nothing which made me think any of them read any broadsheet newspaper coverage of the topic (except maybe the Guardian and that lazily) … it seemed to me that none of them had shown even a modicum of professional curiosity on the subject … I spent the day discussing the subject and I don’t recall anyone showing any sign of having read anything serious at all.

This may help to explain the third of the three ‘betrayals’ to which I referred at the start, the consistency with which the BBC’s coverage of this story has shown so little understanding of the basic principles of science. We have seen how again and again they have put out programmes designed to promote their cause which have contained quite rudimentary scientific errors. They have loved to wheel on front men such as Sir David Attenborough, Dr Iain Stewart or Sir Paul Nurse, claiming to speak with all the authority of being ‘a scientist’ – but who have then been shown, on matters outside their own disciplines, to be out of their depth. These people have been used to lend the prestige of ‘science’ for the purposes of what amounted to no more than clumsy exercises in propaganda.

Perhaps the most revealing example of all of this misuse of the prestige of science was that truly bizarre report produced in 2011 for the BBC Trust by Professor Jones, arguing that, far from being too biassed, the BBC’s coverage of the story should in future become even more biassed still.

The sheer Alice in Wonderland dottiness of this report might serve as a suitable epitaph on what has been one of the saddest chapters in the BBC’s history. Here is a hugely important and far-reaching issue on which for years it has been comprehensively misleading the audience from which it derives its funding. Yet the tragedy is that it seems so incapable of recognising just how badly it has failed us that there is little realistic prospect of it ever being likely to change its ways.

The one body which in theory has the power to call the BBC to account when it is failing in its journalistic and statutory responsibilities is the BBC Trust (which in 2008 succeeded the old Board of Governors). But the Trust’s present chairman Lord Patten, a former EU Commissioner and fervent Europhile, has been an unquestioning supporter of the ‘consensus’ on climate change ever since the days when he was Secretary of State for the Environment back In 1990. He has more recently described it as ‘the only really existential issue confronting the world today’ and as ‘’the biggest issue we face’.[1]

His ‘vice-chair’, Diane Coyle, married to the BBC’s Technology Editor and a former economics editor of the Independent, has similarly parroted the mantras of the orthodoxy (just as in former times, like Patten, she was a fervent supporter of the campaign for Britain to join the euro, scorning those opposed to it as being driven only by a visceral ‘anti-Europeanism and ‘Little England-ism’).

It is hardly surprising that in such hands the Trust should have both commissioned and warmly endorsed Jones’s report calling for the BBC to show even more bias than hitherto. So the BBC’s position is therefore likely to remain – until that time when the great scare over global warming may come to be looked back on as having been one of the most significant examples in history of how easily human beings can be carried away by what the author of a famous book once long ago called ‘extraordinary popular delusions and the madness of crowds’.
highly recommend Sir Antony Jay's foreword too, which offers an equally brilliant ex-insider's insight into the BBC mentality which made these betrayals possible. Perhaps I'll find time to reprint it in another post. Not in this one, where the lofty scorn of the Booker on tip top form is more than treat enough.




利比亞/難以置信的媒體謊言 - BBC展示印度“綠場”魚目混珠
