


巴基斯坦未來的導彈技術:ghouri噴氣式導彈: 射程不受限制

Militants Could Obtain Pakistani Nuclear Weapons, Gingrich Warns
Thursday, Dec. 8, 2011
Translation by Autumnson Blog

Pakistani nuclear weapons are in danger of being seized by militant elements who are likely to have insinuated themselves into the nation's armed forces, Agence France-Presse quoted U.S. Republican presidential candidate New Gingrich as saying on Wednesday (see GSN, Nov. 23).
巴基斯坦的核武器身處被激進武装力量佔領的危險,他們可能已將自己迂迴地滲入全國武裝部隊,法新社援引美國共和黨總統候選人新金里奇星期三所說的(見 GSN 11月23日)
"My guess is that they have well over 100 nuclear weapons and that the Pakistani military is so penetrated by extremist elements you have no idea if one morning they are going to lose three or four of them," the former speaker of the House of Representatives said in an interview with CNN.
“我的猜測是,他們有超過 100枚核武器,而巴基斯坦軍隊是如此這般被極端分子滲透,你不知道是否有一天早上,他們將失去其中的三或四枚,”眾議院前議長在接受CNN採訪時說。
The security of Pakistan's nuclear arsenal has received increased public attention in recent months due to continued instability in the South Asian state and a series of security incidents that reflected poorly on the professionalism of the military there. Additionally, the army has taken to transporting warheads around the country in civilian-style vans on congested roadways, according to a recent National Journal/Atlantic magazine investigation.

Gingrich, presently a front-runner for the GOP presidential nomination, also questioned Islamabad's insistence that it was unaware al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden hid for years in a city not far from the Pakistani capital. U.S. Navy SEALs killed the terrorist chief in a secret May raid.

"The Pakistani military was capable of protecting bin Laden for six years" in his Abbottabad hiding spot, Gingrich asserted.

"Now do I think Osama bin Laden was sitting a mile from the national military university and nobody noticed him in their intelligence service? It's inconceivable," he added (Agence France-Presse/Google News, Dec. 7).


