


Celente - Code Red ! Economy in Collapse !
Celente - “紅色代碼”!經濟在崩潰中!

Celente Warns of 2012: Economy Will Crash, Banks Will Close, Chaos Will Ensue, Military Will Take Over
Mac Slavo
December 16th, 2011
Translation by Autumnson Blog

If you’ve followed trend forecaster Gerald Celente for any period of time you’ve probably realized he knows what he’s talking about. For the better part of two decades Celente and his Trends Journal have been forecasting political, financial, economic and social trends with an uncanny ability for accuracy.
如果你已在任何一段時間跟進趨勢預報杰拉爾德 Celente,你可能已經意識到他在說什麼。二十年來在較好的時候,Celente和他的趨勢雜誌已一直以不可思議的能力,準確地預測政治、財政、經濟和社會發展趨勢。
In his latest interview Celente discusses a variety of different topics – from Iran and Europe to domestic militarization and the economy – and warns that our worst fears will soon be realized.
Celente在他最新的採訪,討論了各種不同的主題 - 從伊朗和歐洲到國內的軍事化和經濟 - 並警告說我們最擔心的將很快實現。
Bottom line? You ain’t seen nothin’ yet:
Gerald Celente on Jeff Rense Radio:
杰拉爾德 Celente在傑夫 Rense電台:
This passed (National Defense Authorization Act) the Senate by 93-7. I’m mentioning this because all the pieces are in place now.
The economy is going to crash. There is going to be chaos. Economic martial law will be called. Banks will close. And, chaos will ensure.
The law is now in place for the military to come in and take over. Fascism has come to America.
And if anyone thinks that I’m over blowing this, you may recall, for those of you who have been listening to Jeff Rense for the years that I’ve been on, that when Obama got elected I said there was a high probability, in 2009, of a bank holiday because of the disastrous economic conditions.
而如果有人認為我過度吹水,你可能還記得,對於那些多年來一直在聽傑夫 Rense的,我曾上來說過當奧巴馬當選,會有高的概率在2009年出現一天銀行假期,由於災難性的經濟條件。

I came across a video that’s on Youtube… June of 2009… Corzine is running for re-election for Governor of New Jersey… and there’s Joe Biden… he’s campaigning for Corzine… He’s telling the audience, you know, ‘the day that we were sworn into office, the top of our agenda, the top of our list, was whether or not to call a bank holiday.’

…The point that I want to make is, and I want to drive this home, it should be headline news – the Obama administration was prepared to call a bank holiday in 2009. Economic conditions are much worse now.

Rense & Celente - Criminals Own The Government
Rense及Celente - 罪犯擁有政府

In an interview with Lew Rockwell on November 30, Celente provided a timeline for events, suggesting that things may start heating up as soon as the first quarter of 2012.
“And my belief, and this is going to be a Top Trend of 2012, is that, in the new year, they are going to bring down the gavel on the system. They are going to pump it up to soak every last penny from the suckers to spend money on Christmas stuff they dont need. And after that, after the Christmas holiday’s over, then were going to get the bank holiday… some form, whether its that or not, some form of economic martial law.”
Gerald Celente - The Lew Rockwell show - 29 November 2011
杰拉爾德 Celente - LEW羅克韋爾秀 - 2011年11月29日

In November of 2008 Gerald Celente warned that by Christmas of 2012, “putting food on the table is going to be more important than putting gifts under the Christmas tree.” Given what has transpired since then we can no longer ignore the possibility of this forecast coming to fruition. And considering that during the same time period Celente also forecast the rise of a third party in America, global riots, squatter rebellions, tax protests, and a continuing breakdown in the economy, we recommend taking this latest forecast seriously.

If our economy buckles, and we strongly believe it is only a matter of time, then you can fully expect that banks will close and chaos will ensue on the streets of America. Given recent legislation and the training exercises involving thousands of US military troops to be used to quell civil unrest, we can only gather that Celente is, yet again, right on target.


Rense和 Celente為最壞作打算


Gerald Celente: 2012年的12種趨勢

Gerald Celente:歐盟90天內崩潰、銀行休假和戰爭
