UK sex infections at 'record high'
Thu Aug 26, 2010 10:15AM

New figures show that around half a million people, mostly the youth, have contracted sexually transmitted infections (STI) over the past year in Britain.
新數字顯示,英國在過去一年大約有 50萬人口,其中大部分是青年,已染上性傳播感染(性病)。
According to the UK's Health Protection Agency (HPA), the most affected people were between 15 and 24 years old, British media published on Wednesday.
The latest HPA data on STI distribution in 2009 reveals that women were at a greater risk of developing sexually transmitted diseases.
The 482,696 new cases recorded in 2009 represent a three-percent rise since 2008, continuing an upward trend for the past decade.
Meanwhile, Chlamydia diagnoses increased by seven percent, from 203,773 in 2008 to 217,570 in 2009, while gonorrhea rose by six percent, from 16,451 cases in 2008 to 17,385 in 2009.
"These latest figures show that poor sexual health is a serious problem among the UK's young adults and men who have sex with men," AFP quoted Gwenda Hughes, head of the HPA's STI section as saying.
She also explained that re-infection was also "a worrying issue", with around one in ten 15- to 24-year-olds diagnosed with an STI likely to become re-infected within a year.
"The numbers (of re-infections) we're seeing in teenagers are of particular concern as this suggests teenagers are repeatedly putting their own, as well as others, long-term health at risk from STIs," Dr. Hughes pointed out.
Young adults under 25 had the highest rate of infections, particularly in large cities like London, and also those who engaged in homosexual sex.
(路透)2010年8月25日 星期三 13:55
(路透倫敦 25日電)根據今天出爐的數據,英國 去年性病新例直逼50萬起,患者以10幾歲和25歲以下年輕人,及年輕女性最多。
英國健康保護局(Health Protection Agency)表示,整體來說,2009年共診斷出48萬2696起新的性病病例,較前一年增加1萬2000起,維持過去10年來,性病患者逐年增加的趨勢。
健康保護局性病部門負責人休斯(Gwenda Hughes)表示:「許多研究證明,年輕成年人更容易進行不安全性行為,也沒有足夠的技巧和信心來要求進行安全性行為。」中央社(翻譯)
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