USA supplied Israel Sarin Plutonium and Depleted Uranium on plane which crashed in Europe COVER-UP

There is virtually no mention of it on the main truth websites.
I have had so much trouble downloading videos about this crash nearly all of them were corrupted....
我一直有這麼多麻煩去下載關於這宗墜毀的視頻,幾乎全部都被損壞 ....
BBC In 1998 it was revealed the plane had been carrying the ingredients needed to make the nerve gas, sarin. There were claims of a cover-up.
It is later learned that the plane, a Boeing 747, was carrying several tons of chemicals, including hydrofluoric acid, isopro-panol and dimethyl methylphosphonate (DMMP)—three of the four chemicals used in the production of sarin nerve gas. The shipment of chemicals—approved by the US commerce department—reportedly came from Solkatronic Chemicals Inc. of Morrisville, Pennsylvania and its final destination was the Institute for Biological Research (IIBR) in Ness Ziona near Tel Aviv, Israel
Dutch authorities and El Al admit Flight LY1862 carried sarin components and DU, but refuse to provide details on six tons of military cargo. According to airport security personnel, the plane carried seven pallets of unspecified munitions.
Journalist Dekker claims, on the basis of leaks from Dutch officials, that the jet carried 27 kilograms of weapons-grade plutonium, enough to make seven warheads the size of the bomb that was dropped on Nagasaki in 1945.
In addition, soil samples taken at the crash site have turned up evidence suggesting that nuclear weapons technology was being illegally shipped from the U.S. to Israel.